Page 19 of Pixel Perfect Pack

Within seconds her walls clam around my fingers, holding them deep inside as if searching for a knot to make her whole. How I wish I could give her that.

She comes down from her high as the bathroom is filling with the scent of lavender and tonka bean. An oaty undertone fills my nose, like homemade oatcakes sweetened with honey. I lay my head on the edge of the bath, watching her pussy milk my fingers time and time again while the thumb keeps up the rhythm of making circles around her clit.

“You’ve got one more to give me, mo chridhe.” And she does, her pretty pink pussy holds my hand deep inside, pulling me further and further in with each squeeze.

When Jess finally comes down from her high, I lift her out of the bath as carefully as I can. Orion moves away from the doorframe where I’d forgotten he’d been standing and passes me a warm towel from the radiator. I wrap it around Jess’s shoulders, rubbing my hands up and down her arms to keep her cosy. Without warning she slumps forward, her face buried in my chest. She’s so small she only comes up to about my pecs. She effortlessly fits against my body and I can’t help but wrap my arms around her and hold her close. It’s like she knows how difficult this is for me, even in the middle of her heat.

“That’s Kito home, princess,” Orion says, stepping closer and running a hand back through her wet candyfloss pink hair. “We need to get you some food.”

Not wanting to break the contact, I lift her up against me and wrap her legs around my waist. I carry her gently back through to the living room where Kito is laying out a selection of fruit, meat and cheese on the small coffee table beside Jess’s nest. There’s a jug of orange juice and one of ice water, a selection of mismatched glasses and plates piled up at the side.

I get her dried as best I can before Orion passes me a t-shirt for her to wear. It’s the same one Orion was wearing earlier and smells distinctly of him. She seems to like that, wearing his clothes, as she lifts the collar and presses it to her nose. Inhaling deeply, her eyes roll back in her head and she smiles.

“This is perfect,” she sighs, interrupted only by the growling of her stomach. “I have to take meds.”

“I’ll get them,” Orion replies. “Where are they?”

“I have a pill dispenser thing in the kitchen. I skipped this morning’s, but I can take the afternoon ones.”

My brow furrows, annoyance clouding my vision. We should have thought about this earlier and asked her about medications and what she needs to do during the day to stay on top of her symptoms. Kito takes Jess’s hand and leads her into the nest where she settles against a selection of purposely positioned pillows to keep her sitting upright. I watch how Kito effortlessly lifts a strawberry and brings it to Jess’s lips. She bites down, red juice running down her chin. Without a second to waste, Kito leans forward and licks the juice from her jawline.

“All better,” he grins animatedly, his brown eyes wide.

“Okay, here we go,” Orion mumbles, walking back into the room at the same time as Jess perfumes. He just about melts, long legs buckling beneath him just in time for him to collapse beside her in the nest. The pill box is still sitting in his palm and he pops the little afternoon compartment open. “Do you need to eat before you take them?”

She shakes her head, eyes glued to Kito. Or at least, Kito’s mouth.

Orion pops the pills into Jess’s mouth one by one while Kito lifts a glass of fresh orange juice to her lips to help swallow them down. I never thought taking fucking meds could be sexy.

It seems when it comes to Jess, I just can’t control my urges, my thoughts. It’s a dangerous game, one I’m not sure I can risk playing.

Flashes of disjointed memories flood my mind, making it difficult to concentrate. I press my thumb and forefinger into my eyes, willing Katya’s face to disappear and let me stay in the moment but it’s nigh on impossible. It might have been four years ago but it feels like yesterday.

I can’t let anything happen to Jess. I could never live with myself if I destroyed the one good thing I’ve found since Katya died.



The heat haze hits me just as the sun is setting. Orion is lighting the fire as I shiver in amongst the blankets and pillows in my nest. Adair is hovering somewhere in the room, lighting candles and making sure the place isn’t too bright. Kito is right here with me, his body wrapped around mine in an attempt to stop the shivers wracking my small frame.

“I feel like I’m…” I stutter, struggling to get my words out. “I’m going to die.”

I feel the men in the room tense without even looking at them.

“Is this normal? Should we call a doctor?” Kito asks, arms tightening around my middle.

“When was the last time you had a heat?” Orion asks, abandoning the newly lit fire and coming to rest on his knees in front of me.

I shake my head, trying to think but my brain is all over the place. “Four… four years ago.”

“I’m Googling,” Adair mutters from the corner, the screen of his phone lighting up his face like an angel.

“You’re Googling?!” Kito snaps with offense. “Googling?!”

“What else do you suppose we do?” Adair claps back, impatience written across his face. “It says here that the longer between heats the more severe they are.”

“We’re going to have to go with our instincts on this one boys.” Orion grunts, his voice even deeper than usual. I don’t know what he means but I’m certainly not opposed to it, anything to make me fucking warm. If nothing else, the fever will be the death of me.