Page 96 of The Fifth Soul

“Technically, Janelle took herself out.” I clear my throat. Every guard in the vicinity is staring at me in awe. “Yes, I did.”

“You’re something else.” Brandon takes my hand and raises the back of it to his lips. He quickly realizes we are holding an audience.

“Please set a tent outside to hold all the ones we have lost. We will give them all an honorable burial at first light.” He turns to Roman. “I want every leadership head to meet at my office in an hour. Together, we need to figure out how to move forward.” He turns to a guard beside him. “Call for all my advisors to meet me at the cells. They will accompany me as I visit the prisoners.”

Brandon looks back at his remaining brother. “I need you present for interrogations. It’ll be quicker if we know for certain they are telling the truth.”

Jesse reluctantly nods.

I stick next to Brandon as we head back to his wing. Guards stand outside his doors as we enter. Lexi Blue is standing by the large window watching the commotion happening out back by the gardens.

“What’s happening?” Her face is pale and eyes are widened. There is a small shake of her hands as she speaks.

“Everything’s okay,” Brandon tells her as he closes the distance to her. He’s about to pull her into an embrace when her horrified expression at his blood stained clothing makes him step back. “There was an attack at the castle, but it's over now.”

“W-where’s Isabel?” Lexi Blue stammers.

“She is fine,” I say. She must be in the back garden with the rest. “I saw her go into the garden safely.”

“She’ll be here soon.” Brandon gives her a reassuring nod.

Brandon makes haste to go into his room and change clothing. I follow him and change as well. We meet outside our bedrooms in a matter of minutes, ready to head out again. His hand stills on the door handle before pulling the door open.

“Lexi Blue,” Brandon calls. The young girl looks up from her place by the window. “Don’t venture into the castle for any reason. Isabel should be back soon.” Her only response is a nod. “Lexi Blue,” he calls again and, this time, pauses. “It’s an order. Don’t leave.”

“Okay,” she agrees.

Agroup of men and women I remember from the tour are already waiting for Brandon as we descend the steps to the cells. The smell of clean and fresh polish floors no longer perfumes the air. Sweat and dirt have replaced it.

I worry something might have happened to the old man who manages the cells until we open the doors and walk inside. His lungs are more than working. He shrieks in anger as the prisoners mud his precious floors.

His chatter of complaints dies on his lips as the group enters the room. He inclines his head and moves out of the way.

The cells hold four people, all of them dressed in guard uniforms. The color and details of their attire make it obvious. Janelle is amongst them. The red hair atop her head makes her stand out from the small crowd. Her head is held high despite her stained face and clothing.

“Each and every single one of you will be interrogated by the council and myself. Failure to cooperate will grant you death. Make your choice carefully,” Brandon tells them, then moves to a room off the side of the cells, and every advisor member follows quickly after. I’ve never seen these people ever be so quiet before.

The interrogation room is quite large. A long rectangular table is on one side, while a single chair stands on the other. I am surprised to find Jesse already sitting at the table. The advisors take the remaining seats and look at Brandon expectantly.

“Bring the first one,” Brandon says to the guard.

Each prisoner is brought into the room one by one and forced to sit in the solo chair at the front of the room. They are all asked the same questions. At the end of each response, the room turns to Jesse, and a nod or shake of his head dictates the prisoner’s fate.

The first guard tries to lie about their involvement. Brandon stays truthful about their fate when they choose to lie. They took that guard out through a different door that didn't lead back to the cells.

The remaining two guards are more cooperative, but they know little. They confirm that the only Duelo daughter has never taken an active role in any rebel plans. Today’s events were unknown to her.

They don’t bring Janelle to the examination room, and I don’t have to ask why. The reason is sitting across the table with tired, red rim eyes. Each breath must feel harder to than the last.

When the last prisoner is returned, different opinions are shared in the room. To my surprise, no one thinks Janelle should be punished to the extent her brothers were. Despite her sin, she’s a Royal House member. The cultivation of tradition and bloodlines rings importance above indiscretions.

Jesse clenches his hands tight and keeps his eyes downcast. Emotions rage within him, torn between hatred for the traitor and a conflicted desire to spare her life.

Brandon doesn’t join the advisors as they argue amongst themselves. He sits back and watches it all, his tired eyes alert.

He raises a hand when he’s had enough, and the room instantly quiets.

“The two men will stay prisoners and be forced to work for the Royal Force. As for her, it’s clear she cannot stay, but she cannot be allowed to go and be used against her will again.”