“You need to give it time,” I say to him and myself.
“I am,” he says between clenched teeth. “I’m trying.”
I cup his cheek. “I know you are.”
He moves his face back, making my hand drop. “I’ve been thinking. I want to go back to Fierno.”
“What?” I take a step back.
“To get the rest of our things.” He looks down at his hands. “Amy Bee also said we can take a couple of medicinal plants to LeeAnn back at the clinic.”
His ever-loving heart is always thinking of others. I’m almost ashamed to admit LeeAnn hasn’t crossed my mind in a while. Not until I saw her, but I was so focused on what we were doing.
Roman looks between us. “Well, I guess you two should talk.” He gives me a small smile. “Let me know if you need me.”
Matias gives him a nod. “I like the guy.” He points over his shoulder at the now-closed door.
“Matias,” I say. “I can’t go yet. I promised someone I would wait here for them.”
The smile in his eyes drops, confusion transforms into disbelief. “You got a keeper?”
His taunt is mocking. I don’t even think about it, I smack the back of his head in reaction. I feel bad instantly, since the front of his head has a large bump already.
“The Crown Prince?” He looks into my eyes. There is no judgment there. Just confusion about all that he has missed so far. “You promised him you wouldn’t leave?”
I nod. “It’s a couple more days.”
“When he returns, Bianca, can you assure me he’ll let you go?”
I bristle at the comment because I don’t need to ask for permission to go anywhere; I’m not a prisoner.
His eyes take in the bristle of my shoulders. He raises both hands in surrender. “I’m sorry about that.” He points around us. “It’s just obvious that he must like you if he has you staying in his personal suite.”
“I’m not the only person who stays here,” I say, trying to excuse my place here.
“What’s he like?”
The question is genuine. It’s also the first time he’s asked. I’ve gone over my entire mission and the different places we have visited over the tour. Still, other than asking for names and further details about interactions with different members, Matias never asked, especially about Brandon.
“He doesn’t assume to have power over me.” For some reason, I feel like I need to defend Brandon.
“Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. We need to go back and gather the last of our things. I don’t want to step on any toes, including and most importantly, the man who has promised us a safe haven.”
“You’re not going without me, and that is the end of the story.” I cross my arms and scowl at him, done with this conversation.
Movement outside the bedroom door wakes me from my sleep. I get up to check on my own, leaving a snoring Matias alone. I crack the door open a bit and watch as Isabel, Lexi Blue, Alejandra, Santiago, Jesse, and Brandon quietly move about the dim room.
Their whispering can only be to not wake Matias and me. It’s endearing. The click of the door closing behind me gets everyone’s attention.
The beaming smile on Brandon’s face at spotting me makes my heart skip a beat. Losing all composure and remaining senses, I rush to his side, almost breaking into a sprint. He moves at the same time, meeting me halfway. His arms open and I don’t hesitate to jump into his arms. The warm, comforting feeling of him all over me feels like home—more home than anywhere I had ever been before.
“What the fuck?” Santiago mutters at full volume.
“Let’s meet up tomorrow morning,” Jesse says, while ushering everyone to an end.
“Great idea.” Isabel waves goodnight, and Lexi Blue follows to their room without hustle.
Santiago’s shocked expression doesn’t change as Jesse guides him out of the room. Before they can get to the door, Sofia walks inside. Her hands are full of snacks from the kitchen, including some wedding cookies. She stops at the commotion, but when her eyes land on me in Brandon’s arms, her mouth falls open. Jesse quickly pushes her out of the room too, taking her snacks with him.