I have no intentions of going anywhere.
“I promise.” I make a vow. “I’ll be there waiting for you.”
The softness of his touch. The smoothness of his lips and the relentless soothing his presence has on every wound in my soul are priceless. I’m overcome by the idea of Brandon. The reality of him is unrealistically good. I allow the daydreams of a future with him to accompany me back to the Black Castle.
He wouldn’t have asked me to wait for him if he didn’t mean it. At least, that’s the thought that follows me throughout the awkward and silent car ride.
“I need to return as soon as possible,” Amy Bee says, disturbing the silence. “But this type of spell can’t be done while tired. We will do it first thing tomorrow. After I have a good night’s rest.”
Amy Bee has been looking over the spell instructions on the ride here. Reading over the notes left by Lexi Blue and directions detailed by Brandon. She’s been among the few who knew about Matias and expected to be involved in his treatment, but the timing isn’t the best. As head of healthcare, Amy sees her job to be next to the king, or at least nearby.
Traveling back to the Black Castle early puts too much space between them for her comfort. King Oscuro didn’t share discomfort at the distance between them. He seemed pleased to have her leave for a while.
“That’s cool.” Roman yawns. “It’s late. No one was expecting you to do it now.”
“Don’t sass me, boy,” she snaps back. Her index finger points right between Roman’s brows.
“We’re the same age,” he says, looking straight at the space she’s pointing at.
The car finally stops at the front doors of the castle. Without a second glance, Amy and Roman exit the car. They storm opposite ways once inside. Roman takes the long way to avoid walking in the same direction as Amy.
I take my time. Walking back into the doors of the Black Castle feels so different. Now, my steps are more confident and determined. I no longer feel I need to hide or take up less space. I’ve accomplished what felt impossible. These halls have seen a very different person the last time I set foot here. Yet everything about me is the same.
I make my first stop at the library. Santiago and Sofia are hunched over some papers when I spot them. The second they catch my eye they drop everything and rush to me. I’m left breathless as they hug me tight.
“What are you even doing here?” Santiago asks me.
Sofia looks behind like she is about to see the rest of the tour walking in next.
“King Oscuro sent me, Amy Bee, and Roman back early to help Matias.”
“Well, that must have been an awkward ride.” Sofia takes my hand and pulls me to take a seat.
“It was,” I confirm.
“I hear about every failed romantic venture inside these walls.” She waves me off. “Tell us everything that happened.”
I show them my necklace and summarize as much as possible all that has happened in the past few weeks. When I’m done, I get up to leave, but both follow me, throwing questions back to back.
“I need to get some rest, but I’ll answer everything tomorrow.” I excuse myself and head out with promises of meeting them tomorrow.
I make a pit stop at the kitchens to grab a midnight snack. For once, I use my gift for a selfish act of hunger. Once the snack is secure, I head down to the infirmary.
I turn the doorknob to the first door to the right. Every item in the room is exactly how I left it. I climb into bed next to Matias. His skin is cold and smooth. I clasp tightly in my left hand the jewel with his soul. In a matter of hours, I will hold him, the real him. I’ll talk to him and be able to hug his warm skin.
Itry to close my eyes and let sleep take me, but the hours tick by slowly. The excitement doesn’t allow me to fall asleep. I finally give up when the first rays pass through the blinds. When I open the door, I’m surprised to see Roman right outside. While they discussed the spell on the ride to the castle, Roman had nothing to do with its actual performance. Amy wastes no time marching inside.
“Are you going to help?” I ask him.
“I don’t need his help,” Amy Bee shouts from inside the room.
From Roman's expression, it’s evident he’s not amused. “I will stay here in case I’m needed.” His eyes move inside the room and then back to me. “Good luck.”
The words sound sincere, and despite all that has transpired between us, I feel better having him around. Inside the room, I watch from the doorway as Amy Bee arranges various items around the room. I hand her the emerald then move nearby, but out of her way. I’ve never seen her so focused. She seems to know what she is doing, with a look of strong concentration.
When everything begins, my eyes settle on Matias. The wind picks up, and the candles around the room flicker on and off like light switches. My eyes don’t leave my best friend motionless on the bed.
I hold my breath, and my brain zones out as Amy stands above him. Ingredient after ingredient goes into the bowl. It’s playing like a memory before me, and I’m not there. My mind isn’t, at least. It’s not until I see Amy cut his hand and blood drips down that I snap back to reality.