I push him off me. “That isn’t funny, Brandon. I don’t want to be a demon’s telephone connection to his brother.”
He stops and looks at me head on. “I would never allow that.”
His words are so sincere; I know he means every single one of them.
“What if I can’t do it?” I scratch my head.
“There might be something else I could offer Mel. But he won’t entertain the idea of seeing us if Gabriel isn’t with us. This is the best chance we have.”
We round a counter and enter the main building. Our conversation pauses for the time being. If only I could pause my brain from obsessing over it. We make it to the first meeting, and I take my guard post behind Brandon. Meeting after meeting, we hear reports, suggestions, and future plans. I get a break when Brandon takes lunch with his grandfather on his wing, and I can take my leave.
After an hour of napping in my bed, I get up and look for food. It takes me twenty minutes to find the food hall. When I walk in, all I see is chaos. Tables are overturned, food is scattered, and a crowd surrounds two men on the floor, plummeting at each other.
I find Isabel, Alejandra, and Roman at the front of the fight. Roman’s presence gives me pause for a second. I didn’t know he would join us at any of the stops. A mixture of excitement, fear, and annoyance shows on their faces.
“What are you doing here?” I ask Roman. He doesn’t answer me, too focused on the fight happening in front of him. That’s when I realize one man fighting is Jesse. The other is Ray, the man I found in Brandon’s room earlier. Jesse is thoroughly kicking his ass.
“Please, babe, this isn’t you,” a girl yells, mascara tears trailing down her face.
“This is precisely who he is,” Roman chuckles while clapping.
He’s ecstatic for his brother and not bothered by the fact that the brother in question is presently covered in another man’s blood.
“Who is she?” I ask no one in particular.
“Lucy was making out with Ray in a dark corner in the hall,” Alejandra says it like that explains everything. What happened to the Lord of Wisdom? That man has some sick bloodthirst.
“And Lucy is who to Jesse?” I ask.
“Ray is betrothed to the dragon princess.” Alejandra says. After a bit she adds, “Lady Janelle but he was kissing Lucy.” She rolls her eyes, like I should know this already.
The sicker part is that Janelle is standing right behind Jesse when he gets off the ground. She looks almost proud. At least until she switches her attention to the bloody mess of a man on the floor. Her eyes narrow into deadly slits. Her stare, not even directed at me, causes goosebumps to cover my arms.
Without saying a word, she turns her gaze to Jesse. Her hand lazily touches his shoulder to direct him. He doesn’t just allow her touch, he relaxes against it. Without a single word to the crowd, he follows her.
“I’ve never seen Jesse so upset,” Isabel says.
I don’t seem to be the only one at a loss.
Roman gestures for us to follow the departing couple. “Let’s just say it was long overdue, sugar.”
We turn the hall right after Jesse and Janelle, but stop in our tracks when we see Jesse pinning Janelle against the wall. Both of his hands are caging each side of her face. She doesn’t look scared despite his expression seeming deadly.
Brandon walks out of a door adjacent to the development in the hall. His eyes go to Jesse and Janelle. Perfect timing.
“Jesse,” Brandon calls in a stern tone. “Please step away from our host.”
His brother doesn’t react to the request. Instead, his face gets even closer to hers until their noses touch. He whispers something we can’t hear.
“You’re being rude.” Brandon tries again. His tone is lighter than the stern expression on his face.
He looks around, noticing a few other people have joined us at the edges of the hall, watching everything develop. With one last attempt, Brandon moves to the door he’d vacated and opens it.
“Janelle and Jesse, please join me in here now.” His words boom through the hall, leaving no room for hesitation.
To our surprise, Jesse steps back and stretches his hand for her to go first. Janelle walks to the door Brandon opens, ignoring us. The three disappear behind the definite click of the shutting door.
“I’m pretty sure that’s a bathroom,” Isabel says in a mouse-like whisper.