“Just look.” He enunciates each word.
“Do you think they are trying to steal something from here?” Bianca looks around like the items will give her an answer.
“No one will dare!” the orc announces. “I would never allow it!”
“Of course not, Joe. I believe you.” I pat the Orc’s enormous arm. My hand looks so small in his muscle arm.
“His name really is Joe?” Bianca whispers.
I fight the urge to laugh at the question.
“What else would my name be?” Joe huffs, not finding it funny. His tone tells Bianca her question is beyond absurd. She doesn’t respond; instead, she raises her hands and steps back.
“Is that all?”
He can’t wait to get us out of his hair, but I have a bigger request.
“Do you have an extra room for guests, Joe?”
The Island looked like a beautiful tropical paradise from the safety of the shoreline. I walked the perimeter in the morning with Alejandra while reviewing the plan. The trip toward the actual place started off fine until the nasty, small creatures crawled all over the boat. A shiver runs over my skin, recalling the slimy things. They looked bad enough in the book photos, but the real things were much worse. How convenient that Brandon didn’t mention the imps were actually the immortal dead counterparts to the alive water mythical creatures. The worst part was the smell; they reeked of dead fish. One managed to touch my boot, leaving a sticky residue behind.
“See something you like?”
The question snaps me from my internal monologue. I try to avert my eyes when I find Brandon across the room shirtless. Of course, the cocky asshole knows how he looks. I hate guys like Brandon Oscuro. I’ve not met many so far, and I thank the Fates for small favors.
His back is a canvas of dark-shaded tattoos taking the entire space. The sight of them surprises me for some reason. Roman has them too, but I didn’t imagine Brandon would. He turns to face me too fast for me to make the shapes of the tattoos.
I understand the reasoning behind waiting until tomorrow to leave the island, but I don’t like it. I also dislike the fact that the grumpy Orc only has one spare room. Now, I’m stuck with the prince in small quarters.
“I’m not sleeping in that bed with you.” My statement comes out with far more determination than I feel.
The offending object looks soft and far too tempting. I’m exhausted, but I feel so dirty. All I want to do is take a long, hot shower and scrub my boots. Of course, the only water available for baths is the beach, and no one is sure the imps won’t take a swing at us there.
“Feel free to take the floor for all I care, but you’re not leaving this room.” He grunts as he climbs on the bed, getting comfortable.
“I won’t be able to sleep.” I sit on the edge of the mattress.
Brandon crosses his arms behind his head. “Because I’m here,” he states in a tired voice.
I shake my head. “I feel so dirty. I wish I could shower.” I scratch my skin, feeling icky. I can feel sand everywhere.
Brandon watches my actions and then stands up. “Come on.” He gestures to the door leading outside.
“You said we can’t return to the beach because of the imps.”
“That’s not where we are going.”
I rush after him. His walk is quick-paced, and the last thing I want to do is keep walking. My legs and arms are already sore enough.
He offers no more explanations. My mood worsens with every step I take. We walk through the trees under the moonlight for twenty minutes before approaching an elevation change. My calves burn with every step. I almost wish I hadn’t said anything—until I hear it.
I hear it long before I see it. The noise is loud and strong. Carried by the wind like a light of hope in the darkness. The water hits the rocks beneath with brutal force. The mist is picked up in the air, covering my hair and dampening my skin. Soon after that, the vegetation opens up.
“A waterfall.” I stare at the stunning gift of nature. “Why did it take you so long to bring us here?”