The hole is pitch black, but from the smell of salty water and dampness, I know it’s the right place.
“You’ve been here.” Her statement is a realization she made.
I nod in confirmation. I tell her the island story as we climb into the black hole in the darkness. Isla Tierra is much more than a sacred land for the royal families to hide high priced items. Isla Tierra is the home of The Red Book. The one and only book in existence that holds all the secrets to the creation of magic. Many years ago, the Oscuro family placed the book here, among other highly valued items. The imps surrounding the island guard the waters. A different creature lives on the island to guard the items left here.
Over the centuries, other royal families have asked to bring their own special items here. The only way they can ever retrieve an item is if a chosen ruler accompanies them. My grandfather has been the chosen guide for royal families for the past couple of years. I have accompanied him on many of those trips here. That is how I know about the Orc that protects the island.
I came here not only to retrieve an item I left behind years ago, but also to ask the Orc if anyone has attempted to enter the island in the past few months. I don't believe anyone could have stolen any of the items on this island, like the ones in the vaults. They are more particular than the enchanted and cursed items. But I can’t be obtuse, since I’m still in the dark about the motives.
I snuck in instead of arranging a trip here because I wanted to know how difficult it would be to sneak in, if at all possible. Sending someone else to accompany Bianca risked the Orc not telling them what we needed to know.
“Wow,” I hear behind me.
We made it. Bianca is looking over my shoulder at the view—and what a beautiful view. I’ve never been here in the moonlight, which is far more beautiful than I could have predicted.
A hole in the cave’s ceiling allows enough light to illuminate the three golden-blue pools below. Light steam rises from each of the pools like mist. This is the only warning that might alert people to stay out of its waters. From this angle, the water looks deep and clear. In reality, it’s beyond the boiling point. Blue light radiates from the bottom of its pools. My grandfather once told me he predicted these pools had an opening that led to the open water outside. I guess he was right, after all.
Surrounding the pools are mountains of stored treasure. Gold coins from the Duelo family cover one side of the cave. Books and artifacts from other royal families lay in piles on each available surface. Alone in the middle of the cave, a red book lies atop a granite stand. I wait to see if Bianca recognizes the highly important historical artifact, but she doesn’t. Most likely overwhelmed by everything she is looking at, I don’t offer an explanation.
Movement off to the side of the cave has us freezing in place. Long, spiky hair atop a seven-foot-tall frame approaches us slowly. Joe is a fan of chains and piercings. I sigh when the glimpse of the piercings reflects the moonlight, and the banging of the chains bounces off the walls. I haven’t seen him in a while, which makes me hesitate. What if he doesn’t remember me? Worse, what if he does not care? Fighting an Orc is something I would never wish upon anyone. Joe is entrusted to protect this cave. He doesn’t just have his physical advantages, but he possesses the ability to use magic.
My name and title should be enough to help us stay on this island safely. I tell myself that repeatedly as the large figure turns and watches us from a distance. I break a sweat under his sight. Bianca’s hand closes on mine, reminding me I don’t have just myself to protect.
“Do we run?” She whispers. “I think we should run!”
The panic in her words grows as Joe takes another step in our direction. His pace is lazy, which can be a good thing or a very bad one.
“Where’s the cape you plan to take?”
“We don’t have to run.”
“You think we can take him?” The arch of her brows is already calling me a liar.
“We aren’t stealing the cape.” I use her hold on my hand to pull her back to my side. She is about to jump into action but is at a loss. Attacking Joe is not the plan. We aren’t doing anything wrong.
She finally stops and watches Joe get closer. “It looks hungry,” she says, murmuring in fear.
Joe huffs at that. “I don’t eat meat.” His eyes narrow on Bianca. “You speak like a thief.” The statement carries like a question directed at me. “Should I worry she will steal?”
He knows who I am. My body relaxes at the realization, and I let out a sigh.
“She will control her urges,” I state, ignoring Bianca’s indictment. “I have come to retrieve something I left here on my first visit.” I gesture to the item in question a few feet away.
I was told at a young age what my future role would be. That summer was my first visit to this island. It was also the summer my childhood ended, at least in my eyes. Despite my mother’s best efforts, I never felt like a kid again. I knew, even then, the weight of the responsibilities I would grow to inherit. The heaviness of them is something I have never forgotten. I barely remember a time when I didn’t feel them.
“Your silly cape,” the Orc says.
I chuckle at the comment. This cape might look like a silly kids’ cape, but in truth, it’s so much more. I pick up the fabric and run my fingers through it. One birthday, I asked my mother for my own wing of the castle because I was done sharing my space. I wanted the opportunity to not be bothered by my brothers, the staff, or any of the people who came in and out. My mother’s answer to my request was this cape. The cape offered me the opportunity to disappear. When activated, it offers invisibility. After the announcement of my title, I no longer felt I could disappear, even for a few hours. Even as a child, I felt I had so much to learn that taking a break wasn’t acceptable.
Now that I am about to be crowned, it’s time to get the cape back. Now that I no longer have my mother, this gift feels even more precious. Perhaps my mother knew what she was doing when she gave me this cape. She knew how much I would need the peace and silence this cape could offer. Her gifts were always so thoughtful.
The orc moves closer to us. “Is that all?”
“Not exactly.” I step forward, feeling more confident. “I need to ask if anyone has tried coming to the island in the past few months.”
“Same as always. Boats come as far as the imps will allow on the southern border. They just look.”
“Just look,” I repeat.