“I see,” I say.
I take in all the information offered. It makes me feel better to know the items here are safe, but it also gives me no other info about who could be behind this, or how far they’d gotten in their plans.
I follow their story with my own. Connecting each dot of the story, I allow each member to add information they think is relevant or something they believe I left out. Grandfather, for his credit, sits and listens. I try not to push the idea that royal families need to be suspects as anyone else, but I’m not sure I’m good at hiding it.
“We have one more stop. It has become clear that succession needs to happen as soon as possible.”
“You think that stopping my crowning is a motive?” I turn to my grandfather.
“A young king is a powerful reign.”
“It’s not like you’re going anywhere,” I say, more to myself than anyone else.
Grandpa leans over and places his hand on my knee, reassuring me. I look into his eyes and see the promise there. I will not be alone.
When I was first announced as the heir, I recall feeling alone. The thought of having to rule and decide on my own terrified me to my core. I recall how my stiff fingers held the bowl with herbs I took to the Fates. The way they look at me and read me like a book. They knew all my thoughts and most intimate fears.
You will never meet the day when you will rule alone. That is our promise to you.
For so long, I took that as a vow. Despite every year, he grew older, and every cough got louder. They promised me I would have my grandfather to help me.
“What now?” Roman asks the room. “I need to get back to the Black Castle. Those search teams won’t organize themselves.” His rush to leave might have more to do with a currently missing group member.
“You’ll take Amy Bee with you,” Grandfather says. At Roman’s sour expression, Grandpa chuckles. “She will do the spell for the boy. No need to delay that part any further.”
He doesn’t have to say his name. We all know who he’s talking about. That I had kept Matias’s existence a secret was the hardest thing to own up to. The number of people I drag into this increases when I realize all the people who knew while the king was in the dark. I gesture for Bianca to come forward. It’s been long overdue. I’m unsure of the reason, but since I’m in the spirit of honesty, I feel the need to formally introduce her.
“Grandfather, I would like to introduce you to Bianca Blanco officially.” I let my smile spread. “Despite what might have brought her to the doors of the Black Castle, we’re glad she has chosen to stay after all is done.” I allow a pause to settle the noise in the room. I take a step closer to her.
He takes her in like this is the first time they have ever laid upon her. “A pleasure to meet you, Bianca.” His hand extends to her.
She raises her hand to take his hand but quickly puts it down as she sees the goo still covering them.
“Come.” I attempt to grab Bianca’s hand in mine but think better of it. “We might have to go outside and rinse you down.” I point at Alejandra. “You too.”
My grandfather leaves to meet his advisor while we all walk outside. We chat while the girls rinse their clothes and hair. The sticky goo is slippery but, thankfully, easy to wash off.
Grandfather calls for Jesse from inside. A few minutes later, my brother storms outside, leaving us all looking after him. Grandfather makes it to the doorway, looking after my brother. Concern edges deeply in his eyes.
“What happened?” Roman asks him.
I watch my grandfather’s profile. The deep set of his stress lines. His expression tells me right now he feels powerless.
“We got news from Ignis.” He clears his throat. “It already happened.” The statement falls with a weight of finality. “Late last night, the bonding ceremony of Janelle and Ray was officiated.”
I toss the water hose to Alejandra, who nods in understanding. I don't need to check behind me to know Roman is following closely as I head toward where Jesse disappeared.
“I’ll be there in a week,” he says into my hair. “Please wait.”
I lean away from him so I can look into his eyes. The bruise above his eye is a deep shade of purple. I know it’ll be gone by mid-day today, but I can’t help wincing whenever I see it. It looks painful. I’ll never understand how boys tend to process their emotions through violence. I shouldn’t be surprised since I witnessed Jesse in action at the Duelo’s Castle.
We’re lying next to each other. The morning rays of the sun sneak through the window, illuminating the space in a soft glow. A glint from my bracelet catches my attention. I love my new gift. A brown braided bracelet ties safely to the crystal gifted by Janelle. The gift was Brandon’s idea to help me always keep the crystal safe.
“Say it, Bianca. Please.” His eyes are pleading with me.