My eyes shift from the box in my hands to Janelle. Jesse is standing next to her. Though their posture is professional and distant, their eyes reveal a different story. Something is said between them, and suddenly, they’re laughing together. Whatever happened between them has mended to an extent.
Brandon takes the box from my hands and gives it a closer inspection.
“What does it do?” I ask.
I can feel magic radiating from it, but I’ve never seen one like it. Brandon’s eyes meet mine, and I ignore the trill running over me at having his attention.
“It’s an organic shield. With a simple spell, you can activate it. It blocks organic elements like fire, water, and wind, and it slows down physical objects. Rare to come by.”
I take the gift and pocket it. I'll examine it when I have free time.
“Make sure you go in the last car,” Brandon says.
I observed the loading of numerous luggage items onto the parked cars. My backpack feels heavier than usual as I hoist it higher on my shoulder. I packed enough items to last me to Fierno and back.
Leaving in between tour dates seemed almost impossible until I reminded Brandon of the spell his brothers would use to impersonate him. Upon our return, Brandon and the group came up with a plan that has everyone unhappy. Roman said his goodbyes last night, only to return, posing as one guard. Upon leaving the Duelo estate, the last car in the fleet will mistakenly take a wrong turn and separate. Brandon, the driver Jose who is a trusted guard, and I will be the only ones on board. We will take a straight path to Fierno and make it there by nighttime.
I rub my hands together as the anticipation of what will come builds inside me. I'm returning to Fierno for the first time. Amidst the hustle and bustle of people getting in and out of cars, Brandon slips behind me in the last car. Without delay, we all start moving. The car slips out of sight, incognito.
“Would you like to stop at your home while we’re there?” Brandon searches my eyes for the answer.
It’s not my home without Matias. I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but it’s the truth. There’s no home to return to. I have nothing I need there. The thought of returning to our old home without him fills me with dread. It was never meant to happen this way.
Brandon doesn’t ask anything else. Instead, he leans back into the seat and rests his hand on my knee. I like it. The soft and subtle touches are done in confidence. I like how he doesn’t hide affection in front of his inner circle. He begins to share more of his everyday thoughts with me so naturally. I know this won’t last forever and will hurt when it ends, but I can’t talk myself into creating space.
I don’t want to stop the crumbs directed my way. I want to eat up everything he is willing to give me. Maybe since I know he won't do it for long, I can savor every moment.
The gates to the underworld are infamous, but they aren’t a tourist attraction. People don’t simply visit the location, and this is the only reason I don’t know where the gates are. Brandon looks puzzled when I share my lack of knowledge. I’ve lived in Fierno my whole life, yet the one time I’m needed as a tour guide, I’m utterly useless. To be fair, not once have I wanted to see them.
“No clue?” He asks again like I would magically remember.
I scratch my head, feeling like I’m disappointing him. “Let us start at the center. I’ve seen Gabriel there.” The Center is a block in the middle of Fierno. Locals commonly used it as a meeting point or trade location.
Thankfully, seeing Gabriel already waiting in The Center is a relief. He’s sitting on the edge of the large center fountain. The fountain is dry, as always. A young woman moves away from Gabriel as we approach. There are no lights near the fountain, so we cannot see her face until we reach them.
“Lee Ann?” I ask, looking at the sweet smile of the doctor who cared for Matias and me numerous times.
“Bianca!” Lee Ann closes the distance between us and hugs me. “It’s so good to see you.” She holds my shoulders with her arms stretched out. Her eyes look me up and down, examining me for injuries. “All looks good.”
“All feels good,” I confirm.
I gulp and look down at my feet. “He will be.”
“Where have you two been?” Gabriel’s impatient scowl breaks the tension. “I’ve been here since the morning.”
“I said in three days. I never said when on the third day.” Brandon steps forward with a dismissive strut. He’s still not over having to wait hours inside a jail cell. “Well, we’re here. Lead the way.” The request comes out more like a demand and is condescending.
Gabriel’s eyes narrow on the prince, like he is already thinking of ways of getting rid of him. I can tell by the way Gabriel’s arms cross, he’s not taking it.
Lee Ann looks between Brandon and Gabriel with concern. “I can lead the way,” she offers. She doesn’t wait for the men to respond, and neither do I. I rush after her, happy to leave the tension behind.