I’m uncertain how true that statement truly is.
“I’m listening.” Gabriel doesn’t fully trust what we are saying, but he isn’t contradicting us. Brandon takes this as a good sign.
He tells him everything. Well, almost everything. He tells him how he came to find me in The Black Castle. He goes over the cursed book and how essential it is to open it. The only time in the story Gabriel looks away from Brandon is when Matias is mentioned.
A very brief and vague mention of potential links to troubles plaguing Puerto Quinn, and it’s done. Gabriel knows everything he needs to know. I can tell he wants to ask more, but like I suspect, he doesn’t. He’s been alive way longer than any of us. Making him all the wiser.
“Mel won’t hear you out without me,” Gabriel says. “If we’re going to do this, I want to do it soon.”
Before Brandon can say no again, I place my hand on thigh, stopping him. “Remember that little spell your brothers used to use that landed them here?”
Realization crosses his eyes. Leaving the tour early isn’t possible, but leaving someone else in our places might be.
“We need to return to Puerto Quinn, but we can meet you at Fierno in three days.”
“Three days,” Gabriel echoes.
His hand extends to Brandon. The prince eyes the gesture with displeasure. I’m about to ask him why the sour face when he meets Gabriel halfway. They clasp hands. A vine the color of gold begins to grow until it covers their hands and elbows.
“What’s that about?” I eye Brandon’s glowing vine tattoo until it disappears. “Are you bound to show up in three days or die?”
“Don’t be absurd,” Gabriel cackles. He eyes the fries and snacks left in the basket with interest. “It will make his location known to me.”
“I’m the Crown Prince of Puerto Quinn. Can’t really go missing, can I?”
Gabriel shrugs like the thought is beside him. “What exactly was your plan?” The angel asks between bites.
Brandon gives him a sheepish look. “Wait to get apprehended, and hopefully, keeping with tradition, you would call the Guard General of the Royal Force to pick me up.”
Gabriel thinks about that for a minute. “Isn’t your brother the general?”
“Yeah.” Brandon stands. “But I’m glad that wasn’t necessary. We will meet again in a few days.” He extends his hand toward Gabriel to shake.
The angel simply looks at the stretched hand, then a sinister smile spreads across his stunning face. “Why break tradition?”
A flash of light blinds me momentarily. I shield my eyes with my hands and lower them once the light has finally died. We are no longer at the bar. There are granite walls on three sides and long, tall cell bars at one end. We are in their jail.
“So what now?” I ask Brandon, who stands there like he cannot believe what happened.
“We wait.” He looks out into the hallway. “He should be here any minute.”
Departure day is always chaotic. Despite the number of times we’ve done this already, staff rushes around packing and loading the cars. I make myself useful and see if I can help with anything. I’m gracefully told no by five people before I give up and stand on the side of the curve.
“Bianca Blanco.”
I turn toward the voice. Janelle Duelo stands alone at the top of the steps landing. We haven’t exchanged a single word during my stay here. I’m not sure how she even knows my name. She looks physically uncomfortable as she approaches me.
Janelle produces a small box from her dress pocket. She hands it to me with a blank expression. I open the box, curious what it could be. A blue apatite rock sits in the middle of the box on top of a white cushion. I turn back to her in question.
“Call it a small act of kindness or a thank you gift.”
She looks up at something behind me. Without turning around, I know Brandon is standing there. She nods and then leaves.
“What was that about?” Brandon moves to stand next to me.