Page 42 of The Fifth Soul

Jesse turns toward me with a devilish grin. “Your skills surviving in Fierno might be more handy than we predicted.”

I raise a brow, apprehension filling my veins. Not once before has Jesse ever brought up my time in Fierno as a positive thing. His easy manner and laid back attitude do nothing to reassure me.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“The underground market.” The smirk on his lips is taunting.

“You have those?”

“We can’t help what people do in the dark corner.” Jesse grabs a book off the table and drops it on my lap. “We are going to get the Stone of Breath. It's needed for your friend's spell.”

I run my finger down the page. There is a list of pictures on one side and a list of descriptions on the other. I stop when my finger lands on the stone of breath. The sacred rock has been around for as long as magic has existed. Elemental organic magic like this is hard to come by. I read a note scribed on the side of the margins stating that those seeking the stone of breath might also be able to substitute the stone for the Stone of Sight in many spells, just not the one we are working on. But both need to be stored in dark spaces.

I look up and watch Jesse walk back into the room with two bags. He tosses one to me. I open it and peer inside.

“Attire to blend in. What do you think?” he asks.

I think this got to be a joke, but who am I to question the Lord of Wisdom?



Despite all the evil I’d seen, I imagined places like The City of Light didn’t have black markets. I know it’s naïve to have such a mentality in this world. The underground market is exactly that. Located on the city’s outskirts in an area stricken with poverty and bad luck. The stink of the place reminds me of the back-alleys Matias and I had to survive in. So do the suspicious looks under dark jacket hoods and distrustful stares.

We find roughly twenty stands lined up selling all kinds of things, most likely illegal items. I don’t let my eyes linger on anything or anyone for longer than necessary. The deeper we move inside the street, the louder it gets. My eyes can’t help but wander toward the commotion. A large group stands cheering and screaming as two dogs fight in the middle. Bets and chatter pollute the air from several men and women, while others simply observe.

“Does it feel like home?” Jesse asks me.


“Piss me off, and I’ll yell ‘narc.’ Let’s see if you make it out without at least a broken arm.”

These types of streets do not take kindly to people like Jesse. The ones born privileged enough not to know what it is like to fight for your next meal. One look at him, and they wouldn’t care whether my comment was true.

“I was kidding,” he grunts. All the humor is gone.

“Fierno doesn’t have dog fights.” I turn away from the lurking eyes. “We have a fighting ring for those willing to make a coin.”

His eyes search mine. “Have you ever done it?”

The memories flood back, but I stop them before they get too far.

I shake my head. “No one exits those whole. Matias and I never deemed it worth the injury. Doctors are expensive in Fierno.”

We stop in front of a small stand. We walk inside the covered area to find all kinds of stones. Jesse searches through the ones on the stands, looking for the Stone of Breath. I recall the picture Alejandra showed me today. A clear stone with gray and blue tones. None of the stones on the shelves look like the one we are looking for.

“Looking for something specific?” An older woman with grayish hair approaches us.

Jesse spares her a glance before turning back to the shelves. “No, just looking.”

Mistake. I want to shake my head and shake him once I am at it. No one comes to these types of streets just looking. Everyone’s here for a reason.

“Where will we find your dark rocks?” I ask the woman.

She searches my eyes while taking her sweet time answering my question. I hold her gaze, giving her my best death stare, and after a minute, her lips curve slightly.

“The back,” she gestures with her finger. The small hall space looks dark and crowded. “Can I help you find a stone?”