Page 30 of The Fifth Soul

With those parting words, he steps away, and I lose him to the shadows of the forest.

I stand there alone until the sun sets. Thankfully, no one comes to find me. It feels peaceful and is a well-needed break from everyone until the shadows of the night darken my path. Finding my way to the castle becomes difficult, but I manage.

I cleaned up on the training grounds, simply so I wouldn’t walk across the castle covered in dirt and blood. Not because I’m delaying facing Brandon. At least, that is what I tell myself as I watch the dirt flow down the drain.

I replay every event of the day over and over again. I think about each decision I made and how it led to the ultimate moment that took Dora’s life. Regardless of how many times I tell myself that her throwing that blade to my head is the only reason she’s dead, I can’t help but rethink my actions.

When I enter the castle, I head straight for my bedroom. I see a tray with dirty dishes outside the shared space doors. The food looks to be cleared out. A trail of laughter comes from inside, making me feel uneasy. My hand rests on the door handle for a couple of deep breaths before I finally turn it.

Brandon is in the sitting area with Lexi Blue, and Isabel. Besides a small wave from Isabel and a nod from Brandon, I don’t get any other acknowledgment as I enter the room. I feel uncomfortable as I join them, causing my eyes to trail to my closed door, wondering if I should excuse myself and deal with this tomorrow. The need to ask him about our upcoming departure keeps me glued to my seat. I know the day is near, but I haven’t received updates and I never got to do whatever performance Brandon had in mind for me today.

They are talking animatedly, and it’s almost like I am intruding on their moment. Brandon asks Lexi Blue for a spell, and within seconds, she recites a list of information, then Isabel claps with praise. This goes on for a while, and I begin to yawn.

“Are you tired?” Isabel looks at the time and then at her sister. “We need to get ready for bed soon. I’ll start the bath.”

Lexi turns to Brandon, but he just shrugs. “We have time for a few more.”

I’m growing impatient. I wait for a few more minutes, but as soon as Lexi stops talking, Brandon asks her yet another question, and off she goes again.

“For what purpose would you possibly need that information?” I roll my eyes, exasperated.

I don’t want to sit here and continue to listen. If I knew this would be the case, I would have gone straight to bed.

Brandon looks at me with a stern frown. Lexi Blue is staring at him, waiting for an answer. He gives her a soft smile and sends her off to join Isabel.

“We will continue tomorrow,” he says to her. “I have to talk to Bianca.”

Lexi nods and heads to her room. The door-clicking shut echoes in the silent space. I clear my throat, ready to talk, when Brandon’s glare stops me.

“You might not like my rules or the way I do things. You might have your own way of treating your friends, I do not care. But what you will not do is ever make mine feel useless.”

I’m taken aback by the fury in his eyes. His defensive posture and tone dawned on me.

“You do it to give her purpose?”

“Lexi is valuable. Just because you don’t see it does not mean it is not there. You are simply blind.”

I try to open my mouth to defend myself and explain that is not what I meant. The day’s events are weighing heavy on me. My mouth remains sealed shut despite how much I want to apologize and say I didn’t mean it.

He starts talking again before any of those words can fall from my lips. “I suggest you go to bed and get some rest, Ms. Blanco. Today’s events changed our plans. I’m satisfied with your abilities and deem you ready for your assignment.” His eyes narrow, and I shrink in my seat. “Let me remind you that you have a part of the deal to uphold. Do not disappoint me. I don’t want to be forced to rethink our agreement. For your friend’s sake, if nothing else.”

I don’t address him as I take my leave. Not a single noise leaves my lips as tears fall down my cheeks. Once I bury my face deep in my pillow, I let the loneliness swallow me whole. Silent sobs paint my night, but not a single soul will ever hear them. I allow myself to cry tonight and vow to rise anew tomorrow.



Istare out the window as the chatting between advisors falls into background noise. I normally pay attention, but since the topic of today’s meeting is me, I find it quite difficult to muster it. Primarily since everyone here has conflicting opinions regarding yesterday’s incident.

“Cadets are hot headed toddlers.” Shelly, an ancient advisor with long white hair and spine of steel bangs on the table with her fist.

“The girl made a mock of the training circles. A strong public punishment was needed,” Damien says. He’s a sight to be seen as the youngest advisor with a shaved head and silver teeth.

“Cadets get punished by their superiors.” Someone down the table points out.

I let the advisers argue about whether my actions were right, just, or moral. The whole thing is tedious since I broke no laws and the deed is done. What do they have left to discuss?

My grandfather Andres, the current ruling king of Puerto Quinn, is silently watching the exchange as well. He hasn’t made his opinion known yet, but I know he isn’t happy about this. And he doesn’t even know half of it. I plan to keep him in the dark about Bianca for a while longer—at least the reason for her stay at the castle and her job on the tour. I’m not ready to share my suspicions until I have more leads, or concrete proof. He has a strong aversion to suspecting other royal families, and I won’t let his blind trust misguide us. I am not as trusting as him.