There is a folktale story that the world used to exist in peaceful harmony. Humans ruled the Earth, witches lived in secret, demons stayed in the underworld, and angels never left heaven. It is a foolish, hopeful thought if one believes it. After all, it doesn’t tell the story of our past. For an audience like us, surviving in a world one misstep away from war, imagining a world unlike ours is a dream.
Witches existed in secret because they were hunted until almost extinction. Then, something happened that changed the trajectory of history. No one knows who or why; we know what we can see. In the City of Sin, the gate to the underworld is open and unguarded. Demons and many other dark, unholy creatures flooded the earth, bringing destruction and death in their wake. To this day, no one knows how to close the gate, so we had to learn to live with it.
In a world divided by four ruling classes, one would think power was balanced between them. We aren’t all equals. We never were. Without angels, demons would terrorize humans. In the absence of demons, humans would hunt witches. The open door is pivotal for the existence of our reality. Each reign has a city of their own.
Fierno, as so many call the City of Sin, is a no-man's-land located between Puerto Quinn, a realm ruled by magic, and Paz, a realm ruled by humans. Crossing border lines isn’t forbidden, but unless you’re human, you cannot reside in Paz, and unless you possess magic, you cannot stay in Puerto Quinn. Luzes, an island off the shore of Paz, is for angels and God’s chosen. It’s the only piece of land the holy ones have called their own on Earth, and cannot be visited.
Fierno is special to some and feared by others. It’s the one place on Earth where all species may coexist—magic, human, angel, and demon alike. Rejects and outcasts’ very own refuge. Never peacefully, but what can we expect from natural-born enemies?
Hundreds of years after the gates were opened, we are fully functioning amongst one another. Or so we wish to think.
There is no room for fear here. I repeat the words to myself as I did when traveling here. I’ve been watching the building for a week, and it looks no less intimidating than when I first saw it. Not only the Royal Force, but the King himself inhabits the Black Castle, and I will break in and steal a book today.
There is no room for fear here. I speak the words to myself as if they will bring me bravery or common sense. I would appreciate both. Accepting the deal that brought me here signals lacking on the latter. The idea sounds ludicrous as I watch the castle’s tight security atop a tree branch. But I cannot shake the thought that vibrates all the way inside my bones, telling me this job is different. I’m a professional thief, if those exist. I do it for a living, even though I don’t make much of a living.
I nearly jump out of my skin as I hear my name behind me. I bite down any noise before it can echo in the forest, careful not to give our location to the royal guards. “What?” I snap.
“I'm going to the bathroom,” Matias tells me.
His sheepish smile makes me want to throw something at him. He’s the closest thing I have to a little brother. We have been friends since childhood. Therefore, his charm doesn’t work on me. In fact, it irks me.
I check the time on my watch. It’s three in the morning. “You test me every day,” I say in a dead tone.
I watch as my best friend and biggest pain in the ass climbs down from the tree we’re camping on. Thanks to a spell that allows us not to fall, we can sleep high in the branches without worry.
Matias disappears from my view in seconds. The forest floor is pitch black, with only the sound of wildlife moving about.
From this high up, I can see the lanterns decorating the castle walls. Regardless of magic, this will not be a simple task. We’ve been scouting the location for a few days. This isn’t my first time in Puerto Quinn, but I’ve never been this close to the Black Castle. Now, I have a job to break into the castle and steal an artifact inside their library. The thought still brings me goosebumps, but the amount of money offered was too good to pass on.
The Black Castle is a lot bigger and more impressive than I expected. It’s comprised of four large, black brick buildings connected by long wood bridges, creating a square structure with a large, open garden in the middle. Each tower sits at least two floors high, and one looks to be five. The majestic structure is home to the ruling family in Puerto Quinn and The Royal Force; their little army of trained soldiers is meticulous about their security.
I’ve been learning who occupies each tower of this fortress. The Royal Force and the city’s government council occupy the back towers. From the movement on the ground, it’s obvious that the one on the east side belongs to The Royal Force. Two smaller structures off to its side hold training circles with people going in and out at all times of the day.
From this angle, it seems like it would be quite difficult to climb the walls, but there’s no other way around it. Entering from the plant nursery on the second floor of the west wing is the easiest access point. At least it looks like it, according to the map I have. About a mile out, I picked up a tourist pamphlet at a convenience store. It conveniently has a map of the building, and we are basing the layout of the place on that map.
I jump a few trees and check the guard posts. I sigh as the night shift changes in perfect time once again. This place is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The security is tight, with foot soldiers doing perimeter checks at all times.
We need the perfect window to run to the wall and scale the building before anyone spots us. I’m confident we can do it. We’re fast, but my nerves are getting to me. This is what we do for a living. I can’t—and won’t—get cold feet now. I never have before.
Once inside, the plan is simple. We have to make it across to the opposite tower where the library is located. We have no clue what the security looks like inside. The hope is that my gift will conceal us. This entire mission is a shot in the dark based on an idea and a tour map. At least we are not going to The Royal Force and the King’s wings. Security there is sure to be tougher.
Just the thought of getting caught makes my skin crawl. What would they do? We’re good at our job, but have never snuck into a place with highly trained personnel. Back in our home in Fierno, we would get jobs stealing petty things treasured only by those seeking them. I pray my gift will be enough to get us through it.
A rustle of leaves under the tree catches my attention. I instantly know it’s Matias. With speed and agility, he climbs up to me in seconds.
“Miss me?” He asks.
“Like I miss my cramps.”
“Ew, why do you always have to compare me to your menstrual cycle?”