“What if we just… got them together somehow?” I randomly throw out there as a last attempt at a suggestion.
“I think we’d see fireworks - and not in the best way,” Luca says, defeated.
I know that he’s right, but wouldn’t it just be more effective to get everyone together, face-to-face? There would be less chances for them to make up wild stories if they were looking at the enemy while making them up. At least, that would be my hope.
In my brain, it makes sense and I can imagine it all working out somehow. But in reality, they would probably just end up screaming at each other. Argh! There has to be something we can do. “I just cannot believe that we met like we did, and now we’re just doomed for a forbidden relationship? Luca, I can’t believe that’s God’s plan in all of this. I believe our meeting each other was destiny… and good must come from it, right? I mean… obviously a lot of good can come from it, for you and me. But we’re both so close to our families, and they’re important to both of us. I just cannot resign myself to the fact that we were brought together simply to be ‘star-crossed lovers,’ as Shakespeare put it.”
I must look as forlorn as I feel, because Luca reaches out and cups my cheek. “Hey, Marissa- we’ll get this figured out. I hear you. I believe we’re meant for more than a secret, forbidden relationship, without our families’ blessings,” he says.
“How?” I say. “Is there any future for us if our families can’t get along?”
The question hangs heavy in the air around us. This conversation is the first time either of us has acknowledged to each other that there is something more between us than just casual dating. I know that it hasn’t been that long, and that we’ve only been on two dates, but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with Luca. I’ve been in love with him since we met at the ball. But I’m not ready to tell him that, just in case he doesn’t feel the same way about me.
“We’ll figure that out, too,” Luca says.
“How?” I ask. “My family is so important to me, and I love them. I know they’re acting pretty petty right now, but that doesn’t change the way I feel. If they don’t approve of our relationship, that’s going to put a huge strain on us.”
“I agree, but I think what we have is going to be strong enough to withstand anything,” Luca says, confirming my heart. He feels the same way I do.
I want to sit and bask in the joy that his words bring to me, but I know I have to focus on the problem at hand. My family is intensely loyal to one another, and normally I think this is one of the biggest strengths that we have. But that’s also why I feel like I am betraying them right now. But am I really? I can’t believe that following my own heart and falling in love is actually betraying my family!
“We are strong, Marissa,” Luca says with unquestionable conviction. “And I really think that our parents will be thrilled when they get used to the idea- eventually. For right now, I agree with you: we need to figure out a way to bring them together and stop this stupid feud.”
He leans across the center console, and kisses me again. It’s like our souls have found the missing piece that neither of us knew wasn't there until we met each other. I had a Luca-shaped hole in my heart, that could only be filled by him. And he is confirming that he feels the same with every word that passes over his lips. And now, this kiss feels like a promise, a commitment, to figure out a way, no matter what- come what may!
When we break apart, I am overwhelmed with a desire to tell him how in love with him I am, but I force myself to keep my mouth shut. I don’t want him to think I’m rushing things. And I would like to hear it from him first, anyway. I still have that old-fashioned, more traditional desire and notion that it’s always good to know you’ve been pursued by a man. Luca has definitely met that desire thus far, proving to be a sincere gentleman, not afraid to treat a woman with respect and chivalry.
“Try not to worry,” Luca says as he shuts off the car and climbs out.
A million worries flit through my head, as I wait for him to open the door for me. He walks me to my car and gives me another lingering kiss. Never wanting this moment to end, I solemnly get into my car. As I pull away from the curb, Luca pulls out behind me. When we get to my turn, I glance at him one last time in the rear view mirror and blow him a kiss. I don’t know if he’s able to see it, but I know in my heart that he can feel my affection.
Ijust get off the phone with Eleanor before I get to Venetian Dreams. She congratulated me on a great date. I’ve known Eleanor since we were kids, and she was married to my cousin briefly. After they divorced, we stayed friends, and I introduced her to her current husband. I value her opinion as much as that of my family. The fact that she’s excited for me makes me feel pretty good.
By the time I’m walking into the restaurant, I’m feeling pretty good about the day. That ends the second I step inside. Even though it’s nine in the morning, I can already hear my father screaming in the kitchen. A bunch of waitstaff are standing in the dining room itself, all of them looking concerned.
“Hey, what’s going on?” I ask one of the waiters named Damian.
He gives me an appraising look before returning his attention to the kitchen. “Your father is losing it on the produce delivery guy… again,” he says, shaking his head in disbelief.
I want to ask him where my mother is or even Angelo, but it isn’t Damian’s job to tell me their whereabouts or what’s going on with my family. It’s my responsibility, as part of the restaurant’s management, to determine what is actually going on. My mind flashes to the conversation I overheard yesterday, and the fact that I had promised to go to some kind of recon yesterday. My date with Marissa let me delude myself that I could live a different life and hope for the best with my family.
With a sigh, I head through the swinging door into the kitchen. The head chef and the sous chef are standing by one of the prep tables staring at my father, who is standing by the loading dock, screaming at the delivery driver. The poor man looks like he wants to run away, as far and as fast as he can.
“Dad,” I say as I come up next to him. “What’s going on?”
“This imbecile says that they don’t have our regular order,” my father screams. “After the incompetence this company showed yesterday, and now this, I don’t know why I should continue using them!!”
“Why don’t I try to sort this out for you?” I suggest. “Then you can get on with the menu for the day.”
This seems to calm him down a degree. He turns abruptly, and stalks off without another word. The delivery guy looks like he might faint from relief. I know that my father can be intense. That’s why I try to be the one to deal with him.
After giving the guy a moment to calm down, I ask, “So how did this mix up happen?”
The delivery driver takes a deep breath and consults his clipboard. “So we have part of the order,” he says. “I don’t think that anything happened. It looks like we just might not have had everything for the delivery this morning. I’m sure that we can get the rest out by early afternoon.”