

Iwatch as my sister, Chiara, bosses one of our employees around, and sigh. My family is catering a big charity ball tonight, but I’m not working. My best friend, Violet, is hosting the “Puppies, Pages, and Pasta Masquerade,” and I’ve been allowed the night off to go as an attendee. I still have to change into my costume, which I think I want to do now. Interacting with Chiara when she’s in this kind of mood always makes my mood sink, too.


Shoot, she found me. I turn around with a smile pasted on my face. I love my sister, but she’s temperamental. “Hey, Chiara, what’s up?”

“You forgot this,” she says, holding out a beautiful mask.

“That’s not mine,” I say.

“I got it for you,” she says, smiling. “So you can be like Cinderella tonight.”

“Wow, thanks, Chi,” I say, truly touched by her gesture. I suppose I really will look like Cinderella with my violet ball gown and silver shoes. I was hoping to go more Italian Renaissance, but I’ll take Cinderella.

The theme for tonight’s gala is Romeo and Juliet. That’s the main reason why my book club, which consists of me and my best friends, decided to read the play as this month’s Book Club selection. We call ourselves The Lits, and each month we take turns picking books that we read each month. Romances really, because who doesn’t love a happy ending?

Not that Romeo and Juliet has a happy ending. It’s quite tragic, actually. That might be the reason so many people find the story romantic, though. There is a certain level of tragedy in any romance. Maybe it’s the never-ending threat that the love might end.

I shake myself out of my thoughts and smile at my sister. “Well, I guess I’ll go get ready.”

“Have fun tonight for a change,” Chiara says. “I can’t wait to see you in your dress.”

As I head into the house to join my friends, I feel a prick of guilt for my uncharitable thoughts about my sister earlier. Yes, she annoys me most days, but she means well. I’m still not going anywhere near the buffet tonight, though. My parents aren’t happy that I’m not working tonight. I had to promise to work for two weeks straight after this, just to make them see my perspective. I’m still not sure they see it anyway.

Chiara was irritated with me earlier, too, which is why I was avoiding her. As for avoiding my entire family tonight, I don’t think avoiding my own family makes me a bad person. I’ve just been craving my own space lately.

Stepping into Violet’s mansion, I’m still blown away by this place. She met her husband when she moved into his guest house after her own house burned down. He wasn’t the friendliest guy at first, but later she realized that she had misjudged him. Now I can’t imagine anyone not liking Robert. He’s generous and genial. I hope to find someone like him one day. Not that I have romance on my mind.

I don't have time to brood over things like being single. Working at my family's restaurant, Little Italy, keeps me busy most days, from morning until late at night. Little Italy is thriving, but that’s mostly because our whole family puts so much into the business. I don’t remember that being my dream growing up, but here we are.

“Marissa! There you are.”

I turn to see Violet descending the grand staircase in the entryway, looking every bit like a fairytale princess. Can I just be her when I grow up? She breaks into a smile when she sees the mask that I’m holding.

“You brought your own mask? It’s beautiful,” Violet says. She reaches out a gloved hand to take the mask.

“Chiara gave it to me,” I say.

“That was sweet of her,” Violet says. I can feel her eyes on me, and I can sense what she’s thinking.

Chiara and I have a complicated relationship, which I think mostly stems from envy. She went to college for nursing, and she gets to pursue a career outside of the restaurant. I went to school for business so I could help the restaurant, even though I didn’t really want to. Chiara still pitches in at the restaurant without any resentment. It makes her look perfect. But me? Not so much.

Tonight is going to be different, though. I can feel the magic in my bones. I follow Violet upstairs and change into my dress. It’s a pale lilac color that looks stunning with my long curly black hair. I put the mask on, and realize that the mask makes my hazel eyes pop more green than brown. I can’t help but think that the look is stunning.

I descend the grand staircase myself, feeling like a princess. All my friends are all ready and gathered in the foyer. They turn to watch me, and I love this feeling. This is my moment. Tonight is the night that everything can turn around. It’s a masquerade ball after all. Behind this mask I can be anyone I want to be. All I have to do is avoid my family, and everything should be good.

“Is everyone ready?” Robert asks, as he steps out of his office.

“This is so exciting,” Kaylee squeals.

The others murmur in agreement, and I know that they are all anxious to get outside to their spouses. I’m the only one not married, and this fact hits me hard. I haven’t dated anyone in a long time. I’ve been out on lots of first dates, but they never seem to go anywhere.

The sun is still out, but sinking lower, casting a golden glow onto the trees that circle the property. I trail behind my friends as we make our way into the tent. And that’s when I stop short. My gaze collides with that of a man I have never seen before, and although his face is half hidden by his mask, I know he’s also the most handsome man I have ever seen.

This sensation feels like an instant, electric connection. It feels like the breath has been knocked out of me. And it feels a lot like I am falling in love at first sight.