Page 83 of Moonlit Temptation

The Leader.

Uncaring that I was inside, my hand found its way into the back pocket of my pants, where I stashed a pack of cigarettes. It wasn’t until I got home from London that I realized the last one I had was outside the pub on Mady’s birthday. I was now on my third box in just as many days.

I relished the burn in the back of my throat as I took a long, painful drag, but it wasn’t enough to distract me from this self-inflicted agony. I needed something else. Something stronger.

“It had to be done, Saint.” The Leader stepped out of the smoke and shadows.

That doesn’t mean I had to like it, fucker. My mouth stayed sealed, but he could see the malice in my stare. He was the last distraction I needed, when all I wanted to do was strangle him.

The room twinged with red as I fought to get a handle on my rage.

What was he even doing here?

I fucking hated him.

Him, and his secret society he trapped me in when I was too arrogant and angry and hungry to prove myself to say no to his sick games.

I used to worship this man, would’ve given anything just for a lick of his attention.

Now, most nights I fell asleep imagining a bullet between his eyes and me behind the gun.

He was still dressed in what he was wearing when he came to see me this morning.

A deep, royal purple suit, shiny loafers, and his silver hair slicked back against his scalp. His face, like always, gave away nothing.

“What’re you doing here?” I growled, smoke billowing right in his face.

“Came to see if you followed through.”

“Don’t I always?” Saint, the dutiful servant. The obedient puppet.

“True.” He chuckled with sick enjoyment. The Leader stopped when I didn’t join him. “Come now, you’re not actually upset, are you? You didn’t actually have feelings for the girl.”

Feelings. That felt too plain for the cacophony of emotions Mady stirred up within me. All these overpowering, fluttery, off-kilter, all consuming sensations that attacked me every time I thought about her, every time she looked at me.

They were a lot stronger than simple feelings.

I took a slow drag of my cigarette. At least feeling dead inside helped me sell an unaffected narrative. He needed to believe everything I told him. It was the only way to keep Mady safe.

“I’ve known her her entire life, so no, I didn’t like hurting her.” That was as much honesty as the Leader earned.

“She’ll get over it.”

She would, I agreed silently. Bitterly. With smoke trapped in my throat.

She’d get over me long before I got over her. If I ever did.

But he didn’t know Mady. She’d move past this, but she’d never forget it.

She was like me in that regard. We never forgot those who wronged us, hurt us.

I had all but signed my death certificate from her life.

After today, if she ever looked at me again, it would be with nothing but malice and ill intent.

It wouldn’t even surprise me if she broke out some crystals to curse me, or however that kind of shit worked. She’d figure it out, and do it.

“Are you going to tell me why I had to do it now? Why Icarus doesn’t want us together?” Why you don’t want us together?