Page 74 of Moonlit Temptation

What made the situation worse was that our dad wasn’t horrendous to look at. Some might have even called him handsome. Hot. A sexy fox.

For an older gentleman, he didn’t have a beer gut. Instead, he was packed with muscle thanks to the five or six times he hit the gym a week.

He was starting to show silver hairs on the side of his head, and it seemed to draw them in even more. Apparently that was a thing people found attractive.

Maybe if I didn’t have the kind of father who would date someone close to his nineteen-year-old daughter’s age, I’d also find it attractive, but I couldn't.

Like many things, my father ruined it for me.

And for Jessa, by the way her face bunched up. “He can’t even be subtle about it.”

“She doesn’t seem mad at the attention, though.” I was always fascinated with how many women our dad could get at his age. He wasn’t up there, late forties, but his tastes leaned toward the younger side.

“What’re you two staring at?” Arms wrapped around our shoulders and we both jumped, startled. Only to realize it was Archer.

“Oh, that’s just sick.” His face scrunched up when he saw what we were staring at.

Our father had now begun phase two of his seduction plan, whispering God knows what in her ear as his palm glided dangerously low on her backside.

“I didn’t realize when I got older I wouldn’t just have Saint to compete with to get girls, but also my father.” His lips twisted farther up in disgust.

“Girls aren’t a sporting event. There shouldn’t be a competition to be had at all with them.” Jessa glared.

“It’s not like we rack up points at the end of the night. Jesus, Jess.” He gave her an incredulous look. “It’s always the girl’s choice if she wants to go home with me, Saint, or neither of us. And we’re getting away from the matter at hand. Instead of dissecting my words, let’s dissect our father’s behavior.”

“Oh my God, his hand is riding up her skirt. They’re in public!” I whispered to my siblings in horror.

“My eyes!” Archer looked away when he saw it. “I can’t watch this anymore.”

“Same,” Jessa and I agreed in unison, turning our backs to the window.

If there was one thing that always seemed to bring us together, it was our father’s antics.

As the children, shouldn’t we be the ones embarrassing our parent, not the other way around?

But despite his words, Archer still looked out the window. It was a train wreck, and he was unable to look away. “Should I just give him the key to Saint’s guest house? Put everyone out of our misery?”

Jessa said yes, and I would’ve joined her except an electric charge surged through the room, making me stand to attention.

I started looking around. And I didn’t know why until my eyes landed on him.


I saw him across the room.

And he looked anything but happy to see me.


I could forgive Saint for a lot.

The lack of communication.

The twisted fury he stared at me with when we locked eyes.

Hell, I could even forgive him for telling me not to come if he wove a great enough excuse together, but what I couldn’t forgive was him ignoring me to flirt with other women.

After locking eyes for a matter of seconds, I expected him to march over and demand to know why I didn’t listen.