Page 44 of Moonlit Temptation

His hair was a mess, like he spent countless hours running frustrated fingers through it, while his suit was freshly pressed. He looked normal, like Saint.

And he was staring at me like nothing else existed.

A new wave of emotions slammed into me.

He stayed. “You stayed.”

“I stayed.”

“You’re here.”

“I’m here.”

He’s here.

“Why?” I pushed past the lump building in my throat.

He didn’t give me an answer right away, just glanced down at what I was holding before shouldering his way into the room. “Like I said, I didn’t want you to be here alone.”

“So you rearranged all your travel plans for me? What about work?”

He shrugged. “I can work from here.”

“Saint.” My voice broke, overcome with emotion. For no other reason than the facts:

Saint was here.

He stayed.

He was here with me.

He stayed because of me.

In all my life, no one had ever picked me first.

And Saint just did.

“Madelayne.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest, his present cradled between us. “We promised each other only one night, but give me another. Give me all of them until we head back to America. Give me this.”

I answered him with a kiss. A kiss I never wanted to end.

And for a short while, it wouldn’t.

It had been three days since Saint came back and I still couldn’t wrap my head around it. He was here. And I was pathetic with how happy that made me.

He chose me.

No one ever chose me. Not my brother, my sister. Certainly not my father.

No one but Saint.

It still made me giddy, warmth stirring in my stomach.

I was wrapped in a happy bubble, one I was terrified would pop at a moment’s notice.

We had spent the past couple of days wandering in and out of museums and shops, along with visiting some places that I originally had planned to visit with my mom.

We rode the London Eye, where I playfully tried to flash the city until Saint wrestled me onto his lap. He reprimanded me with a bite to my shoulder, before soothing it with his tongue.