Page 28 of Moonlit Temptation

“Touch me, baby girl,” he growled.

Licking my lips, I reached into his waistband and pulled him out.

Long and girthy enough to know he’d stretch me wide upon entering, I was in rapture as I held his heavy heat in my palm.

“Show me how much you want this dick inside you.”

I felt Saint’s stare as I wrapped my fist around him, but I couldn’t tear my gaze away from watching the thick veins that ran down his length disappear under my hand. He felt solid and moldable at the same time. His hips jerked as I tightened my grip, licking my lips as pre-cum sprouted from his swollen tip.

Not stopping myself, I sank to my knees and licked it.

Saint hissed as the salty taste coated my tongue. Heat exploded between my legs and I squeezed my thighs together in search of friction.

I just licked Saint Delacore’s dick. I just tasted Saint Delacore’s cum.

I just licked the cum off my brother’s best friend’s dick and I wanted to do it again.

So I did, eliciting a muffled moan from his throat before he pulled me back up. The noise filled me with confidence and turned me on further as I moved my hand along his shaft.

“Take your boots off, Madelayne.” Back was that authoritative tone. Only this time, I was almost trance-like as I slipped one shoe off, then the other. “Now your panties.”

My thumbs hooked into the waistband and like he teased me with taking off my dress, I teased him with taking these off.

Feigning modesty, I spun around so he had my back, shimmying my hips as I moved the underwear down my thighs, bending over as I slipped them off.

Fully naked, fully exposed, and locked in a hotel room with my brother’s best friend.

The man I wanted more than anything else in this world.

I flung them across the room, but before I stood back up, I felt Saint press into me from behind. His cock slid between my cheeks. I shivered as he rocked back and forth, back and forth.

“You like teasing me, Madelayne? You like knowing this cock is hard for you?” He reached around my front and grabbed my throat, pulling me flush against his chest. “Answer me, Mady.”

I almost didn’t, curious to see what he’d do if I stayed silent.

“Maybe,” I admitted, enjoying the effect I had on his body more than playing coy. There was no time for that when I was about to get everything I’d wanted.

Sex. Saint. Me.

Me. Saint. Sex.

Saint and me having sex.

“I don’t like to be teased.” He squeezed my throat with one hand while his other reached between my legs. “Fuck, but you do. You’re so wet, Madelayne. So damn wet for me.”

He sucked on my shoulder, teeth piercing skin as he slipped a finger inside at the same time he squeezed my neck. “Fuck, you’re tight as hell,” he rasped as I arched against him, my arm finding a home around the back of his neck.

“Hmmm,” he hummed against my skin, repeating the motions again, only this time with more pressure, adding another finger inside me.

A squeak escaped as I stretched up on my toes. Pain mixed with pleasure as I felt myself quiver against his fingers.

I felt myself stretching, so full with only two fingers inside me.

For a brief moment, I wondered how we were ever going to do this. I was so small and he was so large.

“You can take it,” he said, as if sensing my thoughts, slowly sliding his shaft between my bare cheeks. I shivered.

With his hand firmly on my throat, the edges of my vision turned hazy as I rolled my hips against his hand, his shaft.