Page 21 of Moonlit Temptation

I frowned, going to where he stood. Grabbing the lapels of his jacket, I moved them with a shimmy.

Like getting a stiff board to bend, he didn’t move.

“Saint.” I pressed into his body as the first raindrop fell, hitting right below my eye.

Saint caught it on his thumb as it rolled down my cheek.

It was the only warning we got before the skies opened fire.

Rain poured harder than earlier, harsher. Droplets fell like bullets. It was as if the heavens opened up to punish us before any sin could be committed.

I flinched in pain. This was not the kind of rain I liked to stand in, where it fell like sheets from the sky, making it impossible to see.

My white dress was soaked and boots flooded before we so much as made a single move.

Saint looked unaffected under the attack. If anything, a crease formed between his brows in annoyance.

He was annoyed by Mother Nature, but still took time to take care of me.

Saint shucked off his suit jacket to wrap it around my shoulders, concealing my now see-through dress before pulling me by the wrist to the nearest awning.

It was a tight squeeze and not enough to keep the rain off us completely. We stood huddled against the wall, my arms pulled to my chest, as Saint held me to his body.

I couldn’t stop shivering, it was so, so cold, and my teeth were starting to rattle together.

Saint pressed closer, trying to warm me up with no avail. His hands moved up and down my arms, my back. His touch strong and sure.

I closed my eyes and focused on it, searching for warmth. On him, searching for heat.

“Mady. Eyes on me, please.” Saint’s voice was calm, while his brows furrowed in concern, honing in on my wavering lips.

A dark look touched his features before telling me we had to make a run for it if we wanted to get a cab.

I nodded, even though I’d much prefer to stay against the wall with Saint’s body wrapped around me.

He took my wrist again and pulled me into the rain.

It hadn’t let up. If anything, it was coming down harder now.

At one point, I slipped and almost ate it on the sidewalk, but Saint caught me, pulling me upright. His hand slipped into mine, I held on tight.

We ran and ran until we hit a street bustling with taxis.

Saint hailed one within seconds, pushing me in with his hand firmly on the small of my back as he told the driver the hotel I was staying at.

I barely heard him. The shivering had now taken over my body causing my teeth to chatter to the point of pain. It was so overwhelming I barely felt the weighted disappointment of knowing this night was soon to be over.

Saint slid in close and pulled me to his chest, warming me up the best he could with a body just as soaked as mine. I was becoming more frozen by the second. Burying my head into Saint’s chest, a low moan escaped.

He barked at the cabbie to crank the heat up before whispering something I couldn’t hear above the knocking of my teeth, but the sound of his voice was soothing enough as warm air blasted our skin.

Soon my body was defrosting and slowly, I picked my head up.

Finding him.

Saint was soaked as much as I was, but looked woefully unaffected.

His dark locks had deepened to ink. That sinful gleam in his eyes was now replaced with apprehension as his arms remained strong around me. Keeping me close.