He reached around and pressed a cold hand to my forehead. I batted him away with a puzzled look.
“I was checking to see if you had a fever. You don’t sound like the Novaks I know.”
“You know I’m the oddball of my family.”
“I know, that’s why you’re my favorite.”
“You’re only saying that because Archer isn’t here,” I said, while I was doing backflips on the inside under the praise. I didn’t even care if it was just because Archer wasn’t here.
Saint Delacore said I was his favorite.
“It’s true, Madelayne. Archer here or not. You’ve always marched to a different rhythm, not caring what others thought.”
Oh, I cared. I just hid it well.
If you built an armor thick enough, words and judgment couldn’t hit their target.
“Celebrating tonight?” the bartender asked as he uncapped the bottle.
“It’s my birthday!” I grinned, realizing that was the first time I said it aloud. Usually, I made this big spectacle of the day. But today felt bigger than just my day. It felt like it was one for my mom.
“Birthday, huh?” His accent was thick and smile cute as he looked up from where he was pouring the vodka into glasses. “Why doesn’t your boyfriend give you the gift of a body shot? Pretty girl like you should be celebrating.”
“Oh, he’s not my boy?—”
Saint’s hand found my waist and squeezed it hard. Shutting me up. He dug his elbow into the bar top as he leveled our bartender a cold, cruel look. “Because he doesn’t want fuckfaces like you seeing more of her body than you already do.”
My jaw became unhinged.
The bartender retreated a step from the malice of Saint’s tone.
Saint reached for the shots, handing one to me.
“I’m assuming these will be on the house since it’s this pretty girl’s birthday.” He stared at the bartender, daring him—begging him to say no.
The bartender gave a single nod, the color draining from his face.
Saint knocked his knuckles on the bar, satisfied, before turning me away.
“Jealous?” I couldn’t help but ask when we got back to our little corner from earlier.
“Of that guy?” He chuckled, and the sound hit right behind my belly button. “Not even in his dreams.”
This was a side of Saint I’d never seen. Riled up and fuming with his little green monster. It made me want to mess with him some more.
“So you wouldn’t mind if I went back over there and got his number?”
“You even so much as take one step in that direction…” Saint’s eyes flashed with warning.
“See, that feels more like a dare than a deterrent.”
“Don’t tell me you were into that guy?” he growled, and it was an even more intoxicating sound than his laugh.
I almost said yes, just to see him unravel further, but my answer had a mind of its own. It came before I even had a chance to think.
“No.” Not when you’re around.