Page 171 of Under the Lies


Sayer’s holding Harlow’s gun above her head.

Sayer who hates guns has steady hands as she lowers it.

“Enough,” she barks with enough authority to make everyone stop and listen. Even Thea and Harlow momentarily pause. The latter looking at her sister like she’s never heard this voice before. “It’s my birthday and this is soooo not how I planned on spending it.”

She waves the gun around and I want to tell her to stop, to be careful. As far as I know, she’s never shot a gun before this in her entire life. The last thing we need is her shooting someone.

Not even Harlow. Her tender heart couldn’t handle hurting her sister even given everything Harlow’s put her through.

But that’s what makes them different.

I’m edging my way toward her when Reeve gets there first and gently takes the gun from Sayer. He clicks the safety on.

“Thea, get off my sister.”

Thea’s still sitting on Harlow with her hands pinned to the dirt. She looks to me for permission when Sayer snaps her name again. This time harder, sharper. No room for arguments.

Slowly, Thea does. Yanking Harlow to her feet as well. She doesn’t let go either. Both of them look a mess. Scratch marks and swelling on both their arms, faces, and fuck knows where else.

Sayer marches over to Harlow. Reeve looks at me like I know what she’s about to do but I’m as stumped as he is.

What’s she going to do?

Sayer is the furthest thing from a fighter.

What’s she thinking?

Her face is carefully blank. She stops when she’s toe-to-toe with her sister. Leaning in so they’re almost touching noses, Sayer says, “You lose.”

Harlow screeches, lunging for her sister, but Thea jerks her back. Keeping her restrained. That only makes her screech louder.

Sayer smiles, but it’s not one that fits her face. It’s too dark, too cruel. It mirrors my own. It’s wiped away when she looks at me. “Can we go do something fun now?”

I nod, eyes assessing her. “Get them out of here,” I tell my friends, not looking away from Sayer as I close the distance between us.

She comes willingly into my arms, melting into my side.

“You always had a flair for the dramatics, Har.” Reeve shakes his head, reaching into his back pocket to produce a pair of handcuffs. “Never knew when to shut up.”

“You’re one to talk, rocket man.” Harlow makes a sound in the back of her throat.

“I’m rubber and you’re glue whatever you say…”

“Reeve,” Gabe snaps from where he’s snapping another pair of handcuffs on Sam. “Knock it off.”

He glares. “Your wish is my command.” There’s a hardness I’ve never heard Reeve use with Gabe.

“Don’t touch me with those!” Harlow struggles as Reeve tries to cuff her. “I don’t know where they’ve been.”

Undeterred and with the help of Thea, Reeve is able to slap them on. Tightening to the point of Harlow hissing in pain and her skin is discolored around them.

“Well, isn’t it lucky then, you now have all this time to listen as I tell you.”

Harlow snarls at him. Reeve blows her a kiss.

Behind me Gabe sighs, sounding as exasperated as I feel.