Her eyes go back to their regular size. “You brought me here to celebrate?”
“I brought you here because I’m hungry. Now, I know your mother taught you proper etiquette, Sayer. Clink your glass with mine.”
She does, hesitating before taking a small sip. Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I down half the glass.
Sayer looks at everything but me. From the menu to around the empty restaurant. “Why is there no one else?” she mumbles, as if to herself.
I answer anyway. “Because they’re technically closed. They stayed open for me.”
She digests the words. “How does it feel?”
“How does what feel?”
“Having the entire city ready to do your bidding?”
“Powerful.” I think she asked not expecting an answer, so I shock the hell out of her by doing just that.
Her mouth parts, making me hone in on the plumpness of them. Little pillows waiting to be used.
I can think of a few things I’d like to do with them.
Not yet, I remind myself. I have to ease her into that, which if her words from earlier are any indication, she’s drawing the line there. Lucky for me, I’m very persuasive. Even when pitted against the stubborn will that is installed in all Brooks members.
I’ve waited a long time to have Sayer Brooks tied to me, I have to be smart about this.
Shifting in the chair, I clear my throat. “What stipulations did you want to add to our agreement?”
I don’t bother to point out if she had more to add, she shouldn’t have written the bullshit “contract.”
Folding her hands on top of the table, Sayer sits up straighter. “I have two.”
I hold back a groan. If Harlow was the slacker in the family, Sayer is the overachiever. “Well, go on, Brooks.”
“First, I need you to be upfront with me. On everything. If I’m going to help you, I don’t want to be blindsided.”
Amending her speech in my head to: “she can know whatever benefits her.” She doesn’t get to know everything. She can’t.
But I can tell her enough to keep her satisfied without jeopardizing everything else.
“Okay.” I nod. “What’s the next.”
She blinks. “What?”
I smirk, enjoying that I keep surprising her. It’s only fair. Since she’s been doing the same to me from the moment I found her at my club.
“Your second stipulation.” I tilt my head. “Actually, this is your fourth. You’re being greedy with my generosity.”
“This is you being generous?”
“Would you rather I not give you anything you’re demanding?”
“My second requirement. Right.” She nods. “Absolutely no touching. No flirting. I know we’re going to have to pretend in public for people to see, but I’d like to request we keep the physical contact to the bare minimum.”
I take a sip of wine. “If I was a more sensitive man, I’d be heartbroken that you don’t like me.”
“Then it’s a good thing you’re a heartless man,” she says. “Do we have a deal?”
I’m not a PDA person. But with Sayer I find myself wanting to touch her, to be near her. She’s so soft and full of light, a stark contrast to my dark.