Page 10 of Tyrant

As I left the hospital the following morning, my phone buzzed with messages. Linda’s messages were her just being a mom and being worried sick about me. However, when I checked the unread messages, I was aghast to see one from the auditor about my company financial accounts.

You need to return to the US ASAP Miss Desher. You have a financial crisis on your hands.

I knew this had something to do with Gary and I was not prepared to deal with that right now. I would answer that text later when I have thought of a way out. Instead, I called Linda to speak to her about the man she set me up with.

“Yoh Sis, I was worried about you. How you feeling?”

“How I’m feeling? You better count yoh damn days!”

She had the audacity to utter a gasp as though she was surprised and followed with a ridiculous question. “What did I do now?”

“Do you know who Zakhar Mikhailov is … do you?”

“No, who is that?”

“My date from the agency.”

Was she kidding me, because she sounded as though she didn’t in fact know. “No, they didn’t give me the info. They sent it to your email that I gave them I just gave them your info and left it at that.”

“So, you telling me that you didn’t even check his profile?”

She laughed. “Have you even checked that link I sent you?” she asked. “That link is just for you. It’s supposed to have his basic information and his photo.”

I expelled a defeated breath. “Well, that man is out of my league. There is no way I will meet him again.”

“Again? You kidding me? You didn’t even meet him yet.”

I took on a defensive tone. “I met him in the hospital.”

“No, he came to visit you in the hospital. I swear that dick of an ex of yours has sucked out all your freaking confidence. You better not come back without meeting him, and if I hear you talk shit about being out of any man’s league, I will personally bury your ass when Auntie and I are done with you!”

“No need to get so aggressive. I’ll meet him. Gosh.”

“That’s my girl. Now head back to your hotel and make yourself pretty for this Zakhar and later you’ll tell me who he really is. Gotto run babes, love yah.”

“Love you too.”

That was my life. Linda bamboozling me into doing what she wants. I sometimes do it as well, but I hate it when she does it because she always gets her aunt involved, and that wasn’t fair.

After getting to the hotel, I took another shower. Hospital showers didn’t feel the same to me. I felt like I was washing away all the sicknesses and diseases that stuck to me in there. I moisturized my short kinks with my own products and did my skin care routine, again with my own new skin care line.

I donned apricot pants and a red off shoulder top, with red wedge heels and an apricot purse. I finished my ensemble with silver earrings, a silver necklace with a diamond heart pendant, and bracelet to match. If I were to meet a man of that stature, I’d damn well better look the part. This encounter wasn’t going to last long anyway because I would sure let him know how incompatible we were.

By the time I walked into the restaurant my heart was in my mouth and my knees were jelly. I didn’t know much about the man except what I read last night, but he wasn’t someone to mess with and I wasn’t looking for a dictator. While approaching the Matre D, I was accosted by a stoic young man with piercing eyes. I could tell he didn’t like me from the scorn in his eyes and the displeasure that flattened his lips.

“Miss Desher, let me offer my sincere apologies for your accident, it was my fault.”

I eyed him from head to toe, wondering where I met him before. I would have accepted his apology if he hadn’t been so condescending and cold about it. The words were right but the attitude was all wrong. Giving energy for energy was my MO and I leaned back with my resting bitch face and a deadly stare.

“So, you’re the nincompoop assistant who almost killed me?”

“I am truly…”

I held my hand up. “Save it for some sucker who will believe you didn’t read my bio. It was clearly stated there what my allergies were.” I stepped closer to him, my heels giving a half a head difference. “You think I’m a fool? There is no way Zakhar Mikhailov’s assistant wouldn’t be thorough.”

He straightened and pushed his shoulders back as though in defense. “It was my error and I apologized. I hope you will accept it.”

The body language was loud and clear. His whole demeanor spoke of his disdain toward me. It didn’t bother me and frankly, I didn’t care as I had no intention of seeing him or his boss after today. I stepped past him and headed over to where Zakhar stood by his table. Two men were standing close him who he then waved away. It was then I noticed that the place was empty of other patrons.