Page 2 of Tyrant

“Do your best to keep him alive.”

The prognosis for my father was not good and the doctor told us to make his final arrangements. It was the old man’s wish that I should marry before he dies, and I intend to do just that.

As soon as I hung up with the doctor, I called my personal assistant. He rushed to my office with anxiety, given the tone that I spoke to him in.

“Sir, you called for me?”

“You need to find me a wife before three days. Can you do that?”

“There is a dating agency with an excellent reputation, would you like me to sign you up?”

“You must do it quickly,” I urged. “And I do not need socialites, actresses, or models … just use your common sense.”

Chapter 2



Tasteless coffee.

Burnt toast.

I drained the cup and placed the empty container in the sink, tossing the toast in the thrash. Today was one of those days where I didn't want to leave the apartment, I didn’t want to see people, and I certainly didn't want to have to deal with my ex.

Gary Beckett was the worst decision I have ever made in my life. Not only did I marry him, I made him a business partner who has become the bane of my existence. The man was hellbent on making my life miserable.

In addition, although it was late summer, Baltimore was hot and balmy. Having to leave my home and go out into the heat was something I wasn’t looking forward to.

I dragged myself from the kitchen while stripping my clothes off on my way to the bathroom. Once there, I tossed the clothes into the hamper and stepped into the shower. The warm water on my skin soothed me somewhat, but my mind was where I needed the most attention. I stood still and let the calming waters wash over me, hoping to bring some stillness of mind.

I had a meeting this morning that needed me to be in my best frame of mind. Our Japanese client was meticulous, and I needed sharp wits about me. But Gary draining my business was taking its toll on me and I had no idea how to put an end to it. The police and lawyers could do nothing until I had proof of illegal activities on his part. I had nothing.

I needed him gone, but his contract was ironclad. In addition, he’d colluded with some of the shareholders which made his position firm. I was at a loss as to what to do. It also seemed that our lawyer was on his side, therefore I was in the process of finding new attorneys to represent me.

Tension was messing with my neck and back, and a headache was threatening. Breathe Tabitha, breathe. A few minutes under the warm shower seemed to have eased some of the aches but it was getting late, so I turned the tap off and stepped onto the mat. With the way I was feeling, the only thing that made me feel quite like myself was my skin care routine for the morning. I’d developed a product that took care of three major skin care issues and that was the reason for the Japanese investor.

As I got dressed, my cell phone rang. I picked it up off the dresser with a smile. It was my best friend, Linda.

“Hey babes, we’re having lunch today?”

She sounded sleepy as she answered. “Of course, and I have a surprise for you.”

“You know I hate surprises, right?”

Linda chuckled. “You will like this one though.”

“I doubt that, but let's see.”

We wrapped up the conversation and I completed getting dressed. I was looking forward to our weekly lunch, although we also had dinner, a night out, and a girl's night in each week.

Linda and I were like sisters, we grew up together since the age of four years old. Our parents had been best friends until their passing. We were both now orphans and we adopted each other.

Linda hated Gary from the beginning of our relationship. They never got along although she supported me and my decision to marry him. I wish I had listened to her caution not to get involved with this man. Now I have to pay the consequences of my own action. Nevertheless, she was there for me no matter what.

The meeting went without a hitch, but at the back of my mind was the notion that something bad was about to happen with Gary. He’s the type that always swoop in after everything is laid out to reap all the rewards. And I believed this was no different. Now, he was travelling, which gave me a few days to try and do things differently.

This new company I started would be managed by the Japanese until I was ready to take full control. This was not a subsidiary and had no relationship with my original company. I felt like I was losing the company I built from nothing because of this man, but what else could I do but start another? The new company was solely my own, with a new product which would meet the needs of women of color.