“Stop talking nonsense! She and her thug boss scammed you and now you’re putting yourself on the line to help her?’
Archer gripped Ron’s upper arm. “Now tell me honestly. If she were your sister and some god damn tyrant was holding her hostage, what would you do?’
“She isn’t my sister.”
“She very well could be,” Archer replied. “But think about it. Wouldn’t you help a girl you liked?” Ron shrugged. “Have you ever been in love Ron?”
“So you think you love this girl?”
“From the moment I saw her.”
“You sound just like that crazy friend I have back in Michigan man.”
“Gage?” Archer asked.
“Yeah, now he’s going after his brother for framing him and stealing his woman. Gage took one look at Rayne and told her he was going to marry her. Now here you are, basically doing the same thing.”
“I know it sounds foolish to you Ron, but when you find that one, you will know right away.”
Ron nodded. “Yeah, I believe you. And I made some calls while you were in the shower. We will hear from my guy today.” He set his glass down. “I have to get checked into a hotel, so I’ll call you later.”
Archer wouldn’t have that. “Why stay at a hotel when I have seven empty guest rooms?”
“Why not?” Ron answered. “You know, you really should sell this place and move into a Condo. Who lives alone in a haunted mansion?”
“My house isn’t haunted Ron,” Archer managed a laugh. “I’ll have Maria prepare the west wing. You’ll really love it there.”
“Isn’t that where your grandfather resided until he died in his own bed?”
They both burst into a fit of laughter which led to a light conversation. While he caught up with his friend, his mind never wavered from Mira. He also avoided any conversation about business in order to keep his mind focused on her. He told Ron that they could discuss the meeting later on, as he was in no mood to talk shop.
It was while they were talking about the radical change taking place in the police force due to the recent protests against police brutality that his phone went off. He quickly snatched it up from the coffee table where he’d placed it earlier.
It was the same number that had called before. Opening the line he was immediately presented with voices already in conversation. Archer listened, realizing something was wrong, and most likely a butt dial. His heart ached at the sound of Mira’s voice. What was strange was the noise in the background as though they were in a public space. Archer recalled that the men told Vasco they found her at a train station heading to Hartford.
“Let me go Vasco!” Mira shrieked. “You can’t keep me prisoner.”
“I can’t do that Mira,” he replied. “You don’t understand do you? I can’t just let you walk away. You know too much about me.”
“I don’t know that much.”
“Good answer, but not good enough. I can’t have you telling that moronic engineer my business. Next the cops will be all over me.”
“I won’t say anything to him.”
“No you won’t because when I’m done with you, I’ll finish him like I should have. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking letting him go,” Vasco said. There was shuffling and what sounded like a slap. “Come with me.”
“No, I’m not going anywhere with you!”
The phone at this point went silent. Archer was about to dial the number when his gut told him it might trigger Vasco even more. He didn’t want Mira in any more danger than she was already. But he couldn’t stand by and let Vasco hurt her any more.
Pouring himself another scotch, he downed it on one go, set the glass down and marched down a passage that led off the living room. He then turned right into a large study. Archer stalked into the room, flipping the switch on the wall near the door as he went. All four walls were lined with book shelves. In the center of the room was a huge antique desk with leather-bound chair.
Moving over to the right book shelf, he removed several books, neatly setting them down on the desk. What was revealed was a small safe with a security panel on the front. Archer input his code and waited until he heard the soft suction sound the door gave when opened. Inside was a small velvet covered box, several stacks of bank notes and documents. He took out the wooden box and set it on the desk, snapped the safe door shut and returned the books to their rightful place.
Before he could open the box, Ron came down the hall. “Archer, I received a call from my guy.”