Chapter 12
“What the fuck is that?”
Vasco was headed through the front door when he heard the crash. He whipped around, his eyes immediately looking up the stairs because that was where he was certain the sound came from. As he started moving towards the staircase, one of his men rushed through the door that led to the terrace.
“Boss, come quickly!” the man exclaimed. “Miss Mira is on the window ledge.”
Vasco’s stomach twisted. He was about to follow the guard when he changed his mind and took the stairs two at a time. As quickly as possible, he unlocked the padlock and kicked the door open. The window in her bedroom was broken and she was standing on the ledge on the outside wall.
“Mira what are you doing?”
“Go away Vasco, let me die in peace.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he grated. “Come down form that window this instant.”
“No Vasco, you don’t get to tell me what to do today,” she replied, her voice cracking. “Today I do what I want.”
Vasco wondered why she broke the window when she could easily have opened it. But he feared what might happen if she jumped. They were on the third floor and the way down was steep enough for her to hurt herself. Moreover, her bedroom window was over the brick walk that led to the swimming pool.
He inched closer to the window, while getting increasingly annoyed with her for ruining his morning. “What are you doing Mira? Get down from there, now.”
“Okay, what do you want?”
“I want out. Set me free from this contract. You tricked me and then you trapped me. You’ve raped me numerous times…”
He was taken aback by her last statement. “When have I raped you?”
“Every time you touch me, you rape me. Every time you have sex with me it’s rape.”
“Sex between lovers isn’t rape Mira,” he replied in a matter of fact manner.
“I am not your lover!” she screamed. “You said I was supposed to be your pretend girlfriend until my father recovered …”
“And he’s recovering just fine.”
She was now sobbing, getting hiccups. “It’s been over a year.”
“Come down from there and let’s talk about this.”
“I’ll return your phone,” he offered. “And let you go shopping. You get the platinum card.”
“You think buying clothes will make this all better?”
“If you come down, I’ll take you to see your father.”
Her head twisted around as her feet started to slip. Vasco stepped forward, but she balanced herself and held her hand up to stop him.
“You’re lying to me.”
“No, I promise. I’ll take you to him if you don’t hurt yourself.”
She looked into his eyes, perhaps trying to read him. He had no intention of setting her free or taking her to see her father. But he softened his face and tried to look as honest as possible. She hesitated, therefore he used his finger to draw a cross over his heart. A moment later she was putting her foot inside. He lunged forward and grabbed her, pulling her entire body back into the room.
“Don’t you ever do something like this again.”