Page 14 of The Debt

“You feel divine inside of me that I never want you to stop.”

Their bodies continued to move to the rhythm of Celine Dion’s If Walls Could Talk. Each move of their hips brought hair raising pleasure. Every thrust of Archer’s cock sent ripples electric charges through them both. As though on cue, they both exploded at the same time, crying out in ecstasy. Their screams of passion mingled together with the last notes of the song.

If walls could only talk, they would tell the world what passion both Archer and Mira had experienced for the very first time. They would fall asleep and wake up to make love again and again, falling asleep once more in the wee hours of the pre-dawn. Each time, the songs would repeat that Mira came to associate Archer’s touches with certain parts of Secret Love and If Walls Could Talk.

* * *


The ringing of Archer’s cell phone awoke them both. Trying not to disturb her, he left the bed and went across the room to talk. She was dozing again when he return to bed and snuggled up to her. His body next to hers brought heat betwixt her thighs that she thought they were going to make love again.

Archer pulled her close, kissing her neck. “I hate to leave you but that phone call was about my new project. I have to fly to Rhode Island in a few hours.”

“Do you have to?” she lamented.

“Yes, it’s critical that I put the new microchip in safe keeping. Although I have everything encrypted on my machines, I still am somewhat old fashioned and keep a hard copy of my work. This software is of vital importance to the operations of the secret service.”

“Secret service?”

“Hmm, I have been working closely with the National Security Task Force to develop this project. Right now the hard copy is inside a vault in Rhode Island. I must check on it and update the data on the microchip there.”

Heaviness settled in Mira’s chest. She had tried her best to avoid questioning Archer about his work. Now he just volunteered the information. She snuggled close to him and closed her eyes, trying to figure out how to keep the information from Vasco.

Saying goodbye was hard. But like a good girl, she kissed him goodbye and wished him well on his journey, also promising to keep in touch. She didn’t hold out much hope on the last promise, because she didn’t see how that was going to be possible. As Archer went through the door, blowing a last kiss her way, she fell back on the pillows and cried herself back to sleep.