He moved quickly through the throng of people, ignoring someone calling his name. He arrived just as the fellow asked her if she was alone. Now here she was looking into his eyes as though reaching into his soul, and he was loving every minute of it.

“So what do you do for fun, other than attending boring charity fundraisers?” Devin asked.


He chuckled. “I mean other than your work.”

“I read about viruses and other diseases causing agents.”

“That’s it, I’m taking you out on Sunday,” he declared. “Picnic … and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

“No,” she replied, stepping away from the group.

Reaching out, he gently took her upper arm. “Not so fast. We haven’t danced yet.”

“Are you serious?” she asked. “This is not a ball, it’s a charity event which the pledges will start any minute now.”

“And you’re looking forward to listening to multibillion dollar corporations pledge thousands to helping the poor?” Devin queried. “You know that fifty of those standing in this room can end world hunger by donating ten percent or less of their personal fortunes? Yet their pledges are for tax purposes only?”

“And you know this how?” she sneered. “Oh, yes, you’re one of them. Wealthy beyond measure. Why don’t you pledge your ten percent?”

He took her glass and handed it to one of the others along with his. Devin then took her hand and pulled her up close, slipping his other hand around her waist. The sheer thrill of her being this close made him giddy while his dick felt heavy in his pants. He started moving to the music.

“Are you crazy?” she asked.

“Your professor is headed this way,” Devin replied. “Let’s give him something to think about, huh?”

“You’re only using him to get close to me,” she observed.


Cassie raised one brow. “What do you want with me, Devin McCarthy?”

“You. I want you, Dr. Cassandra Melody.”

She stopped moving and stepped out of his arms. “I am not some little toy that you can have because you say so.”

He pulled her in again. “I know you’re unlike any girl I have ever met and that’s what intrigues me most.”

“So I am just something to experience because I am black? Oh, Devin you better get in line and you’re going have an extremely long wait.”

“I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t find your skin extremely sexy, but it’s far more than that. Have you ever seen something and known it was yours from the moment you set eyes on it?”

“And that’s me?”

He leaned close to her face, enjoying the sensations evoked by being so close. “You’re mine, Cassandra Melody. You just don’t know it yet.”

Stepping back, she gave him a devilish grin, causing his heart to gallop like a horse sprinting in a seven furlong race. “Then catch me if you can. Devin McCarthy.”

With that she walked away just as the representative from VitaLove came over the microphone seeking everyone’s attention. Devin had been caught up with enjoying his exchange with Cassie that he hadn’t realized that the music had stopped and that everyone’s attention was focused on the stage.

Chapter 7

Flushed skin and an unsteady heartrate, Cassie walked away. It wasn’t often that she responded to a man the way she was responding to Devin. There was one characteristic she liked about him, he was direct and she appreciated that. However, he was getting ahead of himself by declaring she was his. His arrogance would be his downfall, even if those eyes made her insides quiver and his smile quickened her pulse.

And being in his arms caused a burning sensation to develop in her lower abdomen. It was unfamiliar territory for Cassie. She could not recall the last time a man’s presence made her center ached as much as Devin was doing now. Moreover, reacting this quickly was out of character for her.

As the chairperson for the event spoke from the podium, she tried to focus on what he was saying. She was aware that Devin had followed her and was standing a few feet away. At least he knew when to give her space. She so wanted to take another glance at the neatly cropped brown hair with the rebellious lock brushing his forehead. But Cassie steeled herself against the urge to look into those electric eyes that so blatantly stripped her bare.