“You are out of your mind,” Barry said jokingly. “You can’t be serious man. She’ll never go for you.”
“Yeah,” Troy agreed. “He’s right. She shot you down faster than Kim Jun-Un could shoot down a spy craft.”
Barry turned to his friend. “That’s a good one.” They all laughed at the joke. “But seriously Dev, you and a science girl? No way.”
“Plus, she’s black,” Carter pointed out.
“Yeah, so?” Devin stared pointedly at one of his three his childhood friends.
Carter shrugged. “I don’t get the attraction to her, that’s all.”
Devin reached across the table and pulled up Carter by the collar. “If you’ve got something to say, just say it and stop being evasive.”
Carter shoved his hand away and straightened his clothes. “She’s different, is all I’m saying.”
Devin’s eyes glinted as a crease formed in his brow. “You Carter, I have been noticing something different about you lately. Since you started running with those new friends of yours you’ve started acting weird. But I warn you, if you bring any racist shit into my presence, I’ll mess you up. Got it?”
“I’m not racist, I’m just surprised, is all.”
“Nevertheless,” Barry chimed in. “A thousand bucks says he won’t get with her.”
“A hundred grand,” Troy said, upping the bet. “Are you in, Carter?”
“Yeah, why not? He can’t possibly get her.”
Devin chuckled. “You guys are idiots.” He pointed on each of them. “A hundred grand? Cassandra Melody is worth more than that.”
“Half a mil then?” Barry asked.
“A billion.”
Troy whistled while Carter’s face looked awestruck.
Barry shook his head. “You’re crazy, man. A billion dollars? Are you out of your freaking mind? For a girl whose number you didn’t even get?”
“That’s what makes this stake so interesting. The challenge of it all.”
“So this is just a challenge to you?”
Devin shook his head. “No, I want her alright. But I know she won’t be easy and that’s what makes me want her even more.”
Carter shook his head, “My father is going to rip my balls off if he finds out I made a bet that for amount.”
“Then don’t lose,” Barry advised. “It’s three against one, so the three of us will put up the billion together.”
“I don’t know man,” Troy said. “That’s a lot of money. I can’t withdraw more than a few million at a time. You know the stipulation on my trust fund.”
“I’ll cover you,” Barry said.
Of the four, Barry was the only one who held a stable position in his family’s company as General Manager. He was the eldest of the lot and seemed the more responsible, although they all followed Devin around like he was some godhead. Devin had a way of persuading them to do things his way. Moreover, he had a mean streak which they all feared.
Devin grinned. “Tell you what. If you win, I’ll double your bet. So it’s your one against my two.”
Chapter 4
Reading rejection letters was no fun. Cassie tried to let it not get to her. Her lab was certified and approved by the University and other relevant certification bodies. As a virologist, she originally wanted to have her lab separate from home. However, she used all her savings and the small inheritance she acquired from her grandmother to sanitize and insulate her basement apartment in order for it to pass the assessment.
Her eyes scanned the area which spanned approximately 350 square feet. The small kitchenette, bedroom and the main area were now lab space. The only area which was not transformed into work space was the tiny bathroom. A day bed remained on one wall with a change of clothes and small fridge.