Page 33 of Rejection Overruled

“It’s your chance to prove him Brooke. Then what if he’s really telling the truth? Can you risk passing up your chance of happiness? He’s next door right now. The choice is yours.”

The urge to run to the adjoining room was immense. But I held back. I no longer wished to take down Jamal. I wished to have him all to myself. But my trust had been shaken and it wasn’t about only what happened in high school. Jamal was conditioned to date a certain kind of woman. I was doubtful that he wouldn’t one day want to change me into something I wasn’t.

The knock at the door set my pulse into high gear. Sophia instructed me to stay put while she answered the door. Moments later she returned with Jamal and the man I presumed to be his brother. He was the same I’d seen Jamal with on the night of the function.

“Hi,” Jamal greeted, a gleam entering his eyes.

I stood as he approached. “Hi,” I managed, a frog in my throat.

The other man also came up to me with his hand outstretched. I would have refused his handshake if Sophia wasn’t shooting daggers at me with her eyes. Her silent reproach made me smile and offer my hand. He held if far much longer than I cared for, his eyes doing the strip routine most men usually do.

Regardless of what most men say, some couldn’t resist a beautiful woman no matter her size. I saw the appraisal in his eyes and relaxed my shoulders. Pulling away my hand I looked to my best friend for directive. She beckoned to Robert and the two of them started departing the room.

I reached for her. “Where are you going?”

“You two need to talk or not talk,” she said, mischief written on her face.

Robert patted Jamal on the back. “See you later little bro.”

“Yeah,” he replied.

In a few seconds we were left alone, sizing each other up. It was evident that I didn’t yet trust Jamal. After all, he did use me as punishment for a bet and the guy who won the bet was dead. All I had was Jamal’s word over a dead jock’s.

“Brooke,” he said my name, took my hand and pulled me down to sit on the sofa. “I know you don’t believe a word of this.”

“Jamal, when did you start liking me?”

“You remember when that guy was accused to starting the lunch room brawl?”

“Yes, Dennis Schuman.”

He laughed as it was obvious high school memories rushed back to him. Poor Dennis was the new kid on the block and the one they would all blame for everything that went wrong. He was quiet and kept to himself most of the time. As I recalled, it was one of Jamal’s friends who started the fight and blamed in on Dennis.

“You were amazing.”

“Why did you choose to use me that way?”

“I wanted to ask you out, but I knew I’d be teased by my friends and scolded by my brother. Everyone saw you as the chubby nerd girl…”

“And you?”

“Intelligent with pretty brown eyes. I loved your eyes … I still do. I didn’t recall that mole though, but now it’s one of the things I love about you. But what I love the most about you is you heart for defending the innocent.”

“I’m not that nice of a person.”

“Brooke, I know you’re defending Sheila Dennison pro-bono.”

I stood and walked to the trolley which not only had the champagne but a pitcher of water. I poured myself a glass and sipped.

“I think what that man is doing is downright criminal.”

“I agree,” Jamal replied coming to join me. “But we are not here to talk about Dennison. Brooke, I’m sorry for what I did. I was indeed a coward and a jerk.”

“I have been through a lot with my ex. I will not lose weight to please any man.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He traced my cheek with his index finger. “I want you just the way you are.”

Taking the glass form my hand, he set it on the trolley. He then pulled me close, crushing his lips with mine. My knees almost buckled as he entwined my tongue with his.