“I have to go, I’m really sorry. Let’s have coffee tomorrow so we can talk off the record.”
“Okay, but I could drop you home.”
“No need for that, my cab is here.”
The taxi pulled up about that time and I bade him farewell. I was leaving the party, but my mind was still there. What was Jamal thinking? Why was he asking me to be his girlfriend?
22 – Sophia
Since we were children we’ve been best friends – more like sisters. I knew her like I knew myself. Brooke Owens never got over her crush on Jamal Styles and that was why finding out their date was the result of a bet hurt her so much. It wasn’t because she was the bet, but rather she was the punishment for a bet lost. That was the worst kind. This said that she wasn’t good enough for anyone.
Here was my best friend being hurt again and this time, I wasn’t going to stand idly by and let Jamal Styles break her heart again. I knew she had been searching for me, so I headed towards the French doors. Jamal was already there when Brooke came from the lawn, so I back away.
Now, I made my way there again knowing that Jamal must still be there. Ron had gone after Brooke, therefore I was doing my sisterly duty to defend her. Punching him was not my style, so I conjured a few choice words ready on my tongue.
As I reached the door, I heard voices and I pulled back, peered into the dimness and noticed a man resembling Jamal in heated conversation. They were both facing the lawn. I was about to withdraw when I heard Brooke’s name.
“She beautiful, but I don’t understand why you ask her out man,” the older man said. “She’s not your type and who is she anyway?”
“Her name is Brooke Owens.”
“She looks familiar, where have I seen her before?”
“You might have seen her in the media. She’s the best divorce attorney in the city.”
The man shook his head. “No, she’s that girl from your high school. The one from the bet. Are you out of your fracking mind J?”
Jamal whipped around to face the man, giving him a hard shove.
“This is all your fault!”
“What have I done?”
“What have you done?” Jamal’s voice was like steel. “You got me into that damn secret fraternity and that bet. I finally got a chance to date her and you made me mess it up then. Now I lost her for good.”
“What the feck are you talking about? You really did like her, the fatty?”
“She wasn’t fat, she was just nicely proportioned. And yes, I liked her. I liked her a lot.”
“No, you like that woman, the one you were supposed to get the date with but you lost.”
Jamal shook his head. “No, I liked Brooke. I asked that woman to turn me down so I could get to lose the bet because I knew you guys would force me to date her as punishment.”
“No way.”
“Look Robert, you’re my older brother and I love you man, but you’ve got to accept that we like different women. I’ve tried doing it your way, but it’s not working for me.”
“Did something happen between you two?”
“The best thing happened between us two and now she won’t even listen to me. I don’t know what to do to convince her.”
“Don’t tell me that you’ve actually fallen for her.”
“I’ve loved her for over fifteen years. I was just too chicken to admit it.”
Unable to believe what I was hearing, I stepped back, my eyes wide with a hand covering my gaping mouth. My mind began to work as I tried to come up with a plan. The first idea that came to me was to go after Brooke and tell her the truth. But knowing Brooke, she might not believe me without evidence.
I recalled the Steven McConnell incident and how she made Mrs. McConnell quiver in her shoes. Momentarily, Jamal stomped past me and his brother was left alone on the porch. I ventured out, crossing my fingers that maybe he loved his younger brother enough to make him happy.