“It was amazing … no … he was amazing.”
A gasp from her made me open my eyes.
“You and Jamal had sex?”
“It was more than sex, it was phenomenal.”
“You orgasmed,” she laughed. “After so many months you finally got what you wanted. So why the long face?”
“I want him Sophia, I want the man. Not just the sex.”
“You made love, so what’s the problem?” she said. “You can do it again whenever you want. Did he say or do something?”
With a shake of the head I responded in a low tone. “No.”
She scrunched her nose, her eyes narrowing. “Then what?”
“It was a game. You know that. He knows that and now it’s over. He’ll never date me Sophia. You know the story.”
“I told you this would backfire. You and your plans. Now look, you’ve gone and fallen in love with the man you swore to revenge.”
“I’m not in love with him,” I denied.
“You’ve been in love with him since high school.”
I sat up and rested my face in my palms. “I know. I just need to get him out of my system. I wont see him for a while. Plus, I’m going on a date with Ron, so we might rekindle something.”
Sophia slapped my shoulder hard. “Are you out of your mind? And isn’t Ron Scullman married?”
“He’d never ask me to be his plus one to the premier after party if he was. I think he and his wife are getting a divorce. He said he wanted to talk to me off the record for now.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea using poor Ron to get over Jamal. You dumped him for Kevin and now you want to use him as rebound. What’s wrong with you Brooke?”
She had a point and I felt terrible for even suggesting such a thing. With a knot in my chest, I didn’t seem to be thinking straight. I felt nothing for Ron anyway, so that would not have worked.
I consoled myself into thinking that I wouldn’t see Jamal for a while. By the time we would see each other, I’d have some semblance of control over my emotions. I just wish he would do something to make me hate him again.
21 – Brooke
Maybe I’d get my wish earlier than I anticipated. Stuck to the windshield of my car in the parking lot of my office building was a dollar bill. One freaking dollar attached to a note. There’s more where that came from, Reds.
Even if I didn’t know Jamal’s handwriting, his personal stationary was a dead giveaway that the note was left there by him. I stuffed my dollar in my purse and tore up the note. Was the game still on or was this just retaliation for the car or that service fee I left him?
I took this to be the latter. Why would Jamal want to pursue this game? There was no explanation. I knew he felt something. And even if he was attracted to me, I knew it was pointless doing anything about it. He’d made it abundantly clear many times that I was out of his league when it came to women. I wasn’t about to make a fool of myself again. Once was enough.
Pushing Jamal aside, I readied for the function that evening.
As usual Sophia did my hair and make-up. I must admit I was a klutz when it came to doing those things. She even helped to pick out my outfit. She was great at fashion whereas I was a complete knuckle-head. I could dress for work and I always presented well. It was easy having my suits to choose from. But formal functions was not my forte and I hated attending them.
Sophia left my apartment stating that she had an errand to run before arriving at the function and that I should go ahead without her. Our office was attending, therefore, I had assumed that she would ride with me.
I arrived at the mansion around eight forty-five, running late due to a mechanical problem with my car. I was persuaded that Jamal was getting back at me for sugar in his gas tank. With my car unable to start, I called myself a cab.
As soon as I entered the spacious living room – more like a ballroom – which had been cleared to accommodate this party, Ron spotted me and waved. We were halfway towards each other when someone blocked my path. He looked dapper in his dark blue suit, his smile which always resembled a smirk was emblazoned across his face.