“You miss your dad, don’t you?” I ask stupidly. Of course she does. I’m just not sure what to say right now.

“Only all the time,” she says. “Remember how he used to make pancakes on Sundays?”

“Yeah. And family game nights?”

“And how we all wore matching pajamas on Christmas?”

“Even Dash and Mr. Darcy?”

We both laugh at that. Dash is great about wearing costumes, but Mr. Darcy hates them. I wonder where those clothes are. Though, I doubt any of us fit in them anymore. I do put up a tree and stuff for Christmas for Bella, but I don’t go nearly as all out as Mark and I would together. Maybe I should change that this year.

“But you know that Damon could never replace your dad, right?” I ask her.

“I know. But I hadn’t seen you so happy in a long time. Since Dad died. I thought… I just thought he’d be a good stepdad.”

“Yeah? He did help me get you to school on time every day.”

“And he told me bedtime stories.”

“And he made great Italian food.”

“And he was really funny.”

“And a good kisser.”

“What?” Bella says, wrinkling her nose. “You kissed him? Eww!”

“I know, right?” I say, laughing. “I can’t believe I kissed a demon.”

“And you liked it!”

We both fall over, squealing with laughter, and I realize that Damon deserves to be here. He should be a part of this. He is the reason for this. I…I think I love him.

“Okay,” I say, sitting up. “I’ll go see Beverly. See what we can do.”


“What day is it?” I ask again, opening my calendar. I see that it is Mark’s parents’ weekend with Bella. I’m actually shocked that they haven’t called me, wondering where we are. I shoot Mark’s mom a text, letting her know that we are on our way, just running late.

“Okay, go pack an overnight bag,” I tell Bella. “You are going to see your grandparents.”

“But I want to help you find Damon,” she says.

“Sorry, honey. You can’t come. You have to see your grandparents.”

“I’m sure they will understand—”

“You can’t tell them anything!” I say firmly. “You know they can’t know anything about Mystic Cove.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Just tell them I’m sick or something.”

“I don’t need to give them more reasons to dislike me,” I say. “Now, get a move on.”

“Ugh. It’s so not fair!” she says, stomping away.

Three hours later, I’m finally pulling into the parking lot at The Book Coven since Mark’s parents live about an hour away. I have no idea what Beverly can do to get Damon back, but I have to start somewhere.

“How is Dash?” Beverly asks.