“Is that so? What about? My dashing good looks? My witty repartee? My Adonis-like physique.”

“Mostly about how humble you are.”

“Aww, how kind of you. I am just about the most humble person you will ever meet, aren’t I?”

“Actually, I just needed to clear something up with her before…before I asked you out on a date.”

He was looking out the window, but slowly his gaze turns to me. “Wait. What?”

“Would you like to go on a date with me?” I ask plainly.

“Umm…yeah. I mean, yes, you know I do. But I thought I was supposed to ask you.”

“You know, I was going to wait for you to ask me, but then—well, right now, actually—I decided to take my destiny into my own hands for once and ask you.”

“Well, whatever you and Cora talked about, I wholeheartedly approve.”

“Sometimes a girl just needs her friends. I am still looking forward to getting this curse broken. We all need a bit of space, don’t you think? I know you said that Bianca is running your shop in Milan, but you must miss it, right? And what about your shop here? Who is filling in for Jerome?”

“I don’t really have a person to fill in for me here,” he says. “I just close it when I need to do something.”

“Hmm. Maybe I could be your person here.”

“You? Don’t you have a job?”

“I work for myself. But as a graphic designer, my mind is always working. I’ve thought before that Jerome’s shop needed a new sign. And he could benefit from some fresh and bold new advertisements. I’m sure I could help you.”

“That’s very true. I have been very busy in Milan, so I’ve been neglecting the shop here.”

“And I can always run the shop when you aren’t around. I can work from my laptop or iPad anywhere. I could be your American Bianca.”

“Or Bianca can be my Italian Tamzin,” he says, brushing his fingers over the back of my hand. I feel a tingle run down my spine and settle in the small of my back. I open my mouth and realize my tongue has gone completely dry.

Am I really ready for this? My date with a demon? And for what comes after that? He’s been around a long time. He must know all the tricks. And I’m just a boring, suburban mom. How can I possibly compete with all the exotic lovers he’s had over the centuries? Just think about what he could do with that tail alone…

“Tamzin?” he asks, snapping a finger at me.

“Huh? What?” I didn’t realize just how much I’d zoned out.

“We just passed your mom’s street.”

“Oh, right. You know what, I’ll just call her and see if she can watch Bella tonight. She has extras of all of Bella’s necessities. And someone will have to watch her tonight anyway, right?”

“Oh, we are going out tonight?”

“Why? Do you have other plans?”

“No, obviously. But a little notice would have been nice. I have to freshen myself up.”

“Me too,” I say. “I guess I also need to figure out where we are going.”

“What? Why?”

“Well, I asked you. Doesn’t that mean I have to plan the date?”

“Absolutely not. Sure, you asking me was cute, but that is where I draw the line. I will plan the perfect date. One sure to knock your socks off.”

“I don’t plan on wearing socks,” I say.