“That’s great,” Cora says. “I’m so happy for you. And, I agree that you should take things slow with Damon. I mean, his kind was previously unknown to us. This is completely uncharted territory.”

“Just like with you and Beckett, right?” I say. Cora is the only ghost to ever come back to life in Mystic Cove that we know of.

“Exactly,” she says. “I’ve been around a long time, but there are still so many unknowns. I don’t know how long I’ll be here or what will happen next. But, you know what? At least I don’t have to face the future alone.”

“Actually, I think a lot of people date and marry demons without realizing it,” I say. “I found out that Damon is actually Jamal Jefferson. You know, from the antique store.”

“Shut up!” she says, putting her hand to her mouth and gasping. “No way!”

“Way,” I say. “He has a whole life in Milan as an antiquities dealer too.”

“That’s crazy. What do you think about that?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “I mean, I have a past, he has a past. It’s just part of getting to know each other, right?”

“That’s still wild, though. I wonder if Beverly knew about Jamal.”

“Yeah, no idea. But don’t tell her without me around. I want to see the look on her face.”

“Deal. Oh, look. There he is.”

I see Damon walking across the parking lot, licking his fingers with a satisfied look on his face.

“I better go before he finds out we’ve been in here talking about him this whole time.”

“Well, good luck.”

“Thanks. I’m sure I’ll need it.”


Damon is still licking his fingers as he stands by the car when I approach. I have a quick thought of how I wish he were licking me instead, and I quickly bat it away just in case he can read my mind and hasn’t told me yet.

“Was it good?” I ask over the top of the car.

“Oh, Tamzin,” he says, “you’ve never had anything so amazing, have you?”

“I’ve had her cinnamon rolls before. They are good.”

“Yes, but have you tried her pecan caramel cinnamon rolls?”

“Hmm, I don’t think I have,” I say. “Those must be new.”

Damon lets out a long groan. “Amazing. Picture one of Olivia’s cinnamon rolls, topped with chopped candied pecans and drizzled with warm, melty caramel. And straight out of the oven! Oh, my word. I think I might have achieved nirvana in a bakery.”

“Goodness me,” I say, opening the car door and sitting in the driver’s seat. “I think I put on five pounds just listening to you describe it.”

Damon slumps into the car as if he’s crashing from the sugar rush already. “I tell you, Tamzin, I will never let any sort of world-destroying disaster fall upon Earth for as long as I live just to preserve the majesty that is Jumpin’ Beans.”

I can’t help but giggle at that. “I’ll be sure to let Olivia know that she saved us all with her cinnamon rolls.”

“Caramel pecan cinnamon rolls,” Damon corrects. “Not some plain, plebeian cinnamon roll.” He lets out a sigh as I drive to pick up Bella, and I almost think he’s fallen asleep when he suddenly speaks again. “So, did you have a nice chat with Cora?”

“It was…illuminating,” I say.

“Oh, yeah? What was so critical you couldn’t talk about it in front of me?”

“We talked about you mostly,” I say.