Adrian drove us back to his place while I called the coffee shop to ask Wendy to lock up for me. We’d barely stepped into his house, much to Jojo’s excitement, when Adrian pounced on me, pinning me to the wall and devouring my mouth in a kiss, ignoring the excited yips from his golden retriever.

That afternoon, we christened his couch, making love in the living room before finally taking the show upstairs to his bedroom, where he proceeded to blow my mind three more times before we both passed out from exhaustion.


“This is skimpier than I thought it would be,” I said to Angie two weeks later, standing in front of the full-length mirror in my sister’s bathroom and running a hand down the red mini dress I was wearing. “I look like a medieval call girl and not Red Riding Hood. This is not the costume I ordered, Angie!” I huffed, tugging the negligee dress thing down to at least cover my thighs, but that only exposed my boobs even more. It was a velvet and lace red dress with a faux leather corset belt and gloves, complete with a matching hooded cape. I’d completed the look with black lace thigh-high stockings, a garter belt, and lace-up, knee-high stiletto boots. Angie had curled my dark locks into big, fat, bouncy curls that gave my hair eye-catching volume. I didn’t want to admit it, but I did look smoking hot. I just didn’t want to show the goods in front of half the town at the Halloween bash being hosted at The Drinking Hole that night.

“No, it’s even better. Your big bad wolf will not be able to keep his paws off you once he sees you in that.” She cackled, adjusting the bow on her equally skimpy Alice in Wonderland costume—ironic since I was the one with the Alice in Wonderland theme at my coffee shop.

“I still can’t believe that I’m tagging along as the fifth wheel on your double date,” Eden groused from where she was adjusting her red wig for her Batwoman costume.

“Adrian’s brother will be there, so there won’t be any fifth wheeling. Even if the two of you don’t hit it off, there’ll be plenty of single men for you to pick from,” Angie replied, smoothing her hands down her dress.

“So, you do admit that you are trying to set me up with any single man you can get your hands on!” Eden glared at her. I tuned out their bickering and finished applying my makeup. Ten minutes later, Paul hollered from downstairs, telling us to get moving.

The Drinking Hole was packed when we got there. We could hear the music from a block away, and something told me the cops would be called before the night was out. The time for trick or treating was over and it was now the adults’ time to celebrate, as I’d heard one of my customers say earlier when she saw the fliers advertising tonight’s party.

“Adrian says he and Carter are already inside; they’ve nabbed us a table by the pool tables,” I yelled to be heard over the music.

Paul nodded and gave me a thumbs up to show that he’d heard me. “You girls go ahead. I’ll pick up drinks from the bar. What’ll you be having?” he asked. We each told him what drinks we wanted and walked to the back of the bar, evading grabby hands from both men and women on the dance floor. The playlist sounded like it came from the Hot 100 chart, an Ariana Grande song blaring from the speakers. There was supposed to be a live band, but I guessed they’d be playing later in the night.

Carter and Adrian had pushed two tables together. If it weren’t for their imposing figures, some people would have complained about that, but they’d managed to hold on to both of them before we arrived. Carter was dressed in a modest Woody costume and was the first to see us since he was facing the entrance and notified Adrian of our arrival.

“Whoa mama!” I was not sure which one of us said that, but that was the collective reaction to Adrian’s Spartan warrior costume—helmet and all. When he told me that he would be dressing as one, I’d looked up some costumes online and most of them were generic and ill-fitting, but this… It was easy to picture him out on the battlefield, slicing Athenians in half and spearing them with a javelin.

“Girl, have I told you lately that you struck gold with that one?” Angie muttered.

I saw Adrian’s mouth quirk up in a smirk. How could he hear Angie with all this noise surrounding him?

“Hush your mouth, you. You’ve got a husband who is just as good-looking.” I jabbed her with my elbow. Paul was dressed as the Mad Hatter to match her.

“Oh gag! Can we keep the gushing to a minimum, please? I am here to get my drink on!” Eden gagged, pushing past Angie and me to claim a seat at the table, as far away from Carter as possible. I didn't have a chance to see their initial interaction, my attention claimed by the Spartan warrior whose hot gaze threatened to incinerate my tiny dress to ashes.

Angie let out a low whistle and stopped to whisper in my ear before heading to the table as well. “Tell me I picked the perfect dress for you without telling me I picked the perfect dress.”

“Shut it!” I shoved her away from me, barely holding back from laughing. Angie cackled like a witch and said something to Adrian I couldn’t hear over the music. He ducked his head down, a shy smile on his face, and nodded before meeting me at the edge of the dancefloor.

“What did my sister say to you?” I demanded without greeting him first.

“I don’t see you all day and don’t even get a simple hello? You wound me, Red,” he replied, pushing the hood back from my hair and claiming the greeting he wanted. A round of cheers and wolf whistles filled the room when Adrian kissed me.

“You happy now?” I asked archly, my lips twitching. Adrian’s jaw ticked, possessiveness flashing in his eyes.

“Not even close, but considering it would be rude to drag you off to my place when you only just got here, it will have to do. Although…” His gaze swept down my body. “I have half a mind to look for a burlap sack and toss it over you. Wouldn’t want to give any of these losers the wrong idea.” He glared at someone behind my back. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw two guys who looked like they were barely legal scurrying off.

“What, you don’t like my costume? I could have sworn I heard it was a big hit amongst you wolves,” I teased, giving a little twirl, my hooded cape flaring out behind me.

“Dang, woman!” Adrian chuckled, grabbing my hand and leading me to our seats. Just in time too because Paul showed up with a tray filled with a round of shots and our drinks.

I tugged on Adrian’s hand once we were seated and urged him to lower his head so that I could whisper in his ear. “I love your costume too. It gives a woman many ideas about wanting to be conquered.” I winked, trailing my hand up his leg.

Carter groaned across from us, throwing a dirty glare in our direction. “Please remember that there’s more than one wolf here as you whisper your sweet nothings to each other. I can hear everything you say to each other!”

Adrian gave his brother a growl, but we refrained from acting as if no one existed outside of our tiny bubble and kicked the night off with a round of shots.

An hour and three cocktails later, I hobbled off the dancefloor to rest my feet and get something that wasn’t booze in me. Adrian ordered us some nachos and came to sit with me while Angie and Paul talked with some friends of theirs at the bar. Eden and Carter were destroying their opponents at a round of pool and making some extra cash while they were at it.

“Getting old is not fun. There was a time when I could stay out on that floor for hours on end—in heels higher than these—and not get tired,” I whined, stretching my leg out so that Adrian could get a better look at said heels. He chuckled at my slurred complaint. Another sign that I was getting on in age, I was already feeling buzzed and the night was young.