I raised an eyebrow, dubious. “She must have known how important it was to find the book. That can’t be the only reason why she thought you were cheating.”

“I admit that I wasn’t there for her,” he said. “I was so focused on finding the book, I didn’t call or text when I promised I would. And she’d had partners in the past who had cheated on her, so when I wasn’t where I was supposed to be, she thought the worst of me.”

“Does that happen a lot?” I asked. “You get so wrapped up in work that you neglect your loved ones?”

“No,” he said. “Not usually. This book just took over everything. The search took years of my life away. And I made mistakes with the woman who was supposed to be my partner. But I’ve learned from my mistakes, I promise. I wouldn’t never neglect you like that, Sophia.”

I put my arms around his neck. “I believe you.”

We kissed, but he pulled away again.

“I appreciate your faith in me, Sophia. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m still cursed. I can’t…love you like you deserve to be loved.”

“You’ve never been able to find a cure?”

“I’ve looked, when I had time, while searching for the book. I’ve seen every manner of witch and warlock. No one has been able to break the curse.”

“Hmm,” I said. “Well, have you considered asking someone who isn’t a witch?”

“Who?” he asked dumbly.

“Me, silly.”

“Oh, right. You are a potion mistress after all. Are you any good?” he asked playfully.

I bopped him upside the head. “Well…” I had him wait in the kitchen while I went out to my workshop and brought back a couple of vials. I held up the first one, a beautiful purple liquid that sparkled in the light.

“This one is a love potion of sorts—for men. Think of it like magical Viagra. It’s not permanent, but it will certainly put some…pep in your step.”

He took the potion from me, tilting it up and down as he looked at it. “I’m not sure it will work if it doesn’t overcome the hex.”

I held up the next vial, which was filled with a liquid that shimmered from green to silver. “Then you need a hex breaker like this one.”

“Really?” he asked, not wanting to get his hopes up. “Are you sure it will work? I’ve tried so many magic spells to try and free myself.”

“Believe me,” I said, “many powerful people have been able to undo hexes and curses with this.”

He let out a long sigh. “What could it hurt, right?”

I nodded. “Bottoms up.”

He uncorked the bottle and gulped it down in one sip. He grimaced a bit at the taste; I’d been told it tasted like black licorice. Yuck. He wrinkled his nose and licked his lips.

“Well?” I asked impatiently.

“Well, what do you say we go to your room and see if this thing worked?”

“Oh, yeah,” I said. He whisked me up into his arms and carried me into the bedroom.

* * *

We made love into the wee hours of morning, and I finally understood what the romance novels were talking about. No matter how many times we came together, each time felt new and different from the previous bout of lovemaking. We were both insatiable, with no signs of either of us ever getting tired of it. I lost count of how many I love yous were whispered between kisses and breathy giggles, but I’d never felt happier. It was as I was about to doze off that Jacob confessed something else.

“I’ve been speaking to Hawthorne, and she’s willing to give me a teaching position once the academy here is completed,” he whispered against my hair.

“What will you be doing until then?” I asked on a yawn. He shrugged, jostling my head as I was resting it on his arm.

“Take you on an extended honeymoon? Show you what the life of an adventurer’s like.” He laughed sleepily. I, however, found nothing funny in what he’d said. My heart bottomed out as I hastily sat back, gaping at his sleepy-eyed dopey expression.