Clem took the spoon and repeated the process as she toed off her winter boots. They clunked to the ground one by one and she wished she could peel off her thick woolen knee-highs, too. It was hot in here with the central heating and the oven.
And a half-naked Jude…
Her pink fluffy sweater didn’t help. It might have been one of her favorites and perfect for going out on a cold winter’s night but a little too hot for inside. “Mmm, that tastes like…” She concentrated on the earthy yet sweet tang of the mousse. “Mulled wine?” she murmured, as she pushed the sweater sleeves up to her elbows one at a time.
“Not bad,” he admitted grudgingly. “It’s clove, cardamom, and cinnamon so that’s close enough.”
“I think the word you’re after is aficionado.”
“Hmm.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “Cocky, aren’t you?”
She shrugged even as her breath hitched over his choice of word. It wasn’t anything sexual, she knew, but the man was half naked, could she help it if her brain went there?
“Okay, little Miss Food Taster, try this one.”
Another spoon was passed across and Clem eagerly consumed it. The flavor was subtle to begin with—but then it grew warmer on her tongue and she knew. “Mmm.” She shut her eyes, pressing her lips together and savoring the delicious kick. When she opened them again his gaze was travelling up and down the row of buttons on her sweater.
And things got hotter.
“Chili,” she murmured, her breath turning husky. “I like it.”
He dragged his gaze up to her face. “Not too… intense?”
Clem shook her head. Not the chili anyway. “I mean… I’d label it for those who aren’t fans of hot and spicy but…”
“Who even are those people?” he asked, a frown drawing his brows together.
“I know, right?”
Their gazes held for a beat or two and their combined puzzlement over non-chili people took a turn for the even hotter for long suspended moments.
One second, two seconds, three.
She could hear her heart in her ears, feel it fluttering at her temples and beat between her legs. Her breath had turned to sand in her lungs. But then his mouth slowly creased into a smile and hers followed suit and then they were grinning at each other and the ledge they’d been standing on pushed back out of reach.
“Okay.” He cleared his throat and turned his attention to a fourth spoon. “I bet you can’t get this one.”
She relieved him of the utensil. “Challenge accepted.” The sharp tang of citrus flooded her tongue and she had to stop herself from moaning out loud—neither of them needed any more provocation. “Really?” She rolled her eyes at him. “That’s citrus.”
He shook his head. “No, no. That’s way too general. You know how much citrus there is out there? More information please.”
“Fine.” Clem huffed out a breath in mock exasperation, her legs swinging gently. “Let me try some more.”
Grinning, he handed her an actual chocolate cup this time and the same spoon. Clem dipped in again, loading it up for full effect. Shutting her eyes, she concentrated on the flavors as they sparked across her tongue and not the intensity of his presence.
“It’s orange,” she declared when she finally opened her eyes. It wasn’t tart enough for lemon or lime.
Crossing his arms, he slowly shook his head. “Nope.”
Hmm, okay, the man was playing hard ball. “Blood orange?”
He chuckled and it was as smooth and light as his chocolate mousse. “Nope.”
Taking another spoonful, she tried again. Tipping her head back, her eyelids fluttered closed again because all that bare skin of his was far too distracting. Who could think when it was this hot? Her brain was practically cooking. “It’s too sweet for grapefruit. Unless…” She glanced at him and his eyes drifted up from her buttons to meet hers. “Ruby grapefruit is sweeter, right?”
“Right?” Clem brightened. “I’m right? It’s a ruby grapefruit?”