Not the most articulate thing to say but complex sentences were beyond her right at the moment. She picked up the condom and passed it to him. “On.”

He chuckled. “How about we take some time before we get down to it?”

Nope. That wasn’t going to work for her. All the reasons they shouldn’t do this had fled a long time ago. Her mind was made up. All she needed now was the mattress at her back and Jude at her front. Jude inside her, holding her, taking her far away from the things that had played on repeat this past week.

“If you think I want to wait for you to put that”—she pointed to his erection, sprouting hard and perfect from a thatch of dark, red hair at its base—“in me for one second longer than I have to, then you are badly underestimating how much I need this right now.”

He regarded her for a moment or two and Clem wondered if she’d put her foot in it. Was her directness as off-putting to him as braces had been to Billy Marsh? She knew Jude’s reputation. She wouldn’t have thought he’d have a problem with boldness—unless it was coming from little Clem Jones.

But then he reached over and plucked the condom out of her fingers with a, “Yes ma’am,” and Clem watched him apply the latex sheath. He was quick and efficient, rolling it down, handling himself in a way that was seriously revving her already overheated system.

Job complete, he lifted his head and their eyes met.

Crooking her finger she said, “Come here.”

Putting a knee on the mattress, he prowled toward her on all fours like a massive jungle cat ready to pounce—ready to mate—and Clem’s pulse fluttered wildly at her temples and in her throat. It belted behind her rib cage and throbbed between her legs. She rolled onto her back as he planted a hand either side of her shoulders then lowered himself slowly, his body settling on top of hers.

Clem welcomed the press of him, good and big and solid, pining her to the mattress and she moaned and shut her eyes as his dick slid with precision through the slick heat between her legs. When she opened her eyes a beat later, they were joined from thighs to ribs, their upper torsos separated slightly as he supported himself on the flats of his forearms resting either side of her head.

His hands came up to smooth her curls as he stared at her intently. “What do you suppose our eight-year-old selves would have thought if they’d known that one day we’d be doing this?” he asked, his voice husky.

Clem smiled. “They’d have been pretty grossed out.”

He chuckled and it bathed her in goose bumps. “Fourteen-year-old me wouldn’t have been.”

“Oh yeah, what would he have thought?”

“I don’t know. But it would have involved a hefty degree of masturbation, I imagine.”

She blinked at his frankness then laughed and he did too, dropping his face to the crook of her neck. Warm puffs of his breath set her skin alive and hardened her nipples. As if he could feel the diamond points, his laughter quietened then stopped and he started to nuzzle, setting her entire body aflame.

From the pulse throbbing in her neck to the hollow at the base of her throat and the long ridge of a collarbone, Jude mapped her skin with his mouth. Waves of heat undulated to all her erogenous zones making her moan his name until he claimed her lips again in long, drugging kisses that had her twining her arms around his neck and arching into his body.

His kisses consumed her. They filled up her head, pushing out the anxiety and the worry. They soothed and gentled even as the steady rhythmic rock of his hips pulsed his cock through the slick folds of her sex, turning up the heat, cranking the tension behind her belly button.

“Jude,” she muttered against his mouth as she reached between their bodies, grabbing for him, needing the full thrust of him. “Please. I need you in me.”

But he evaded her hands. “Hold that thought.” He dropped a brief kiss on her mouth. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

And he kissed down again. Down, down, down. Trekking between her breasts to her navel and lower still, his end goal apparent.

“Jude.” She plowed her hand into his hair and gave a gentle pull. “Come back here.”

He lifted his head, his gaze meeting hers. “You don’t like it?”

She gave a half laugh at the disappointment stamped across his features. “I love it. I just need more right now.”

Dropping a kiss on her belly he smiled. “Ohhh, you need some dick, huh?”

His frank language only fanned the flames of her desire. “I really, really do,” she admitted, her hand sliding from his hair.

And that was what he gave her, kissing quickly up her body again to her mouth, claiming it in a slow, deep possession that stole her breath as he eased between her legs. His dick nudged her entrance, pausing for only a beat before sliding home, stealing her breath all over again.

“Oh god,” she muttered on a sharp exhalation, squeezing her eyes shut as he stretched her all the way to the hilt. Her pulse was like a waterfall in her head, her breathing like a jet engine. “There… just there… just like that.”

“Yes,” he agreed, his voice rough. “Yes.”

Slowly he withdrew before gliding back in again with a muffled kind of groan and Clem cried out as she lifted to meet his entry. A tug of sensation flared to life as the action pulled down on just the right spot. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”