He was conscious of her watching him, watching him stare at her breasts. And he really wished he could stop but… they were full and lush, her nipples hardening before his gaze and he wanted to devour them.

“Touch me,” she whispered, as she plucked his right hand off her ass and brought it to her left breast. “Please touch me.”

Jude’s breath hissed out. Between the soft contour of her flesh, the raw need in her voice, and the urgent throb of his body, he could no more have denied what she needed than stopped the tide from turning. He brought his other hand to her other breast and she shivered as he filled his palms with their ripeness.

When he brushed his thumbs across her nipples she whimpered. They darkened as they contracted to tight points and Jude’s mouth watered at the sight. His breathing ragged, he leaned in and took one into his mouth, smelling citrus and tasting cinnamon.

She trembled against him and moaned, “Juuuude,” shoving her hands into his hair and hell if he didn’t want her even more.

Swirling his tongue around the hard tip of her nipple produced all kinds of noises from her. When he sucked and drew hard, she whimpered and when he grazed his teeth a little she gasped and bucked in his lap. He switched to the other side, keen to learn if she made different noises. It was gratifying to hear a low sort of keening when he took possession.

“Jude?” she panted, after what felt like a lot and yet not nearly enough time had passed.

“Mmmm?” he replied, because he could do that and still torment the hard nub he was flaying with his tongue.

But she was pulling at his hair a little and he reluctantly relinquished her nipple, lifting his head to look at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were glazed, her pupils blown and her bottom lip was sporting teeth marks.

“Take me to bed.”

Chapter Five

Clem had to admire the quick and efficient way Jude followed orders. Within seconds he’d gathered her up and risen, his hands firmly on her ass. She clung to his neck, their mouths still fused as he carried her through the darkened house. And they didn’t run into any walls or trip over any rugs or knock over any piles of books.

They made it to the bedroom without mishap and before she knew it, he was easing her down until her feet touched the floor.

“Condoms in the bedside table drawer,” she said, wasting no time shucking off her pajama pants and stepping out of her pink underwear as she grabbed both the duvet and the top sheet in trembling hands and yanked them down.

It wasn’t nerves that were giving her the shakes—it was anticipation. Hell, it was exhilaration! She probably should be nervous, or at least shy but, well… she wasn’t. The man had already sucked on her nipples and they were about to have sex.

This was no time to be coy. Not tonight.

Tonight she wanted Jude to give her the kind of pleasure that flooded the brain, obliterating everything else. And, in the morning, they’d have to talk about how they navigated this new normal between them but, right now, he was hot and sexy and she was in full heady lust and she wouldn’t be embarrassed or ashamed or quiet about her needs.

Clem shuffled to the middle of the bed and rolled up onto her side, elbow bent, head propped on her flattened palm watching Jude scrabble around in the drawer for the condom. Finding one, he brandished it triumphantly and she laughed as he grinned and tossed it on the bed. It landed near her hand which drew his gaze to her nudity and his grin faded as his eyes took a very thorough tour, lingering on her nipples and the patch of hair at the apex of her thighs.

“Jesus, Clementine.” His gaze flicked up to her face. “You’re gorgeous.”

His praise went to her head and other parts of her body. Considering he’d been with some seriously beautiful woman, how could it not?

She quirked an eyebrow. One of them in this room was decidedly more clothed. “Am I going to have to guess what you look like?”

Busy with a second tour of her body, he didn’t reply. Heat flushed everywhere under the intensity of those eyes.

“Shall I…” Clem ran her hand from her waist to her hip and lower. “Start without you?” Because while having Jude look at her like he wanted to lick every inch of her was hot, it was not the same thing as him actually licking every inch of her.

His glittering gaze cut from the trail of her hand to her face. “No fucking way,” he muttered, his voice all low and growly.

Then his shirt was up and off and his zipper being yanked down was loud in the quiet of the house. He removed his jeans and his underwear in record time until he was standing before her without a stitch of clothing and it was Clem’s turn to stare.

She thanked god for the bleed of light around the pulled blinds falling softly in all his dips and hollows and showcasing all his hardness.

Holy. Cow. Jude was hot.

Chest, abs, thighs… And hanging between those thighs? Or not hanging as the case might be… yep, he’d filled out well.

It had been obvious even with his clothes on, that the scrawny boy had matured very nicely, but this sight? He was a veritable smorgasbord of honed masculine flesh, not a spare inch of fat to be found. He either didn’t eat his food or he should definitely donate his metabolism to science after he was gone.

“Wow,” she said on a whoosh of breath.