Jude grinned. It shouldn’t matter whether Clementine doubted him or not but the fact that she’d been the one who told him he could do it when he confessed in a letter he wanted to go to culinary school in Paris, when everyone else had told him it was pipe dream, had meant a lot back then.
Her faith in him now meant even more.
“I’m just sorry I won’t be here to see it.”
Right. She was leaving tomorrow. For eight weeks. And then for good in the new year. It took every ounce of Jude’s willpower not to betray his disappointment.
“I’m sure you’ll see the pictures on the ’Gram.”
She laughed and it was like the way she’d always laughed—with every bit of herself. His belly warmed at a flood of childhood memories. Scaring themselves silly with ghost stories as they roasted marshmallows around the fire at camp then laughing at how terrified they’d become.
“So…” She sobered, the amused twinkle replaced with speculation. “You’re really sticking around?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I really am.” The decision sat better and better. Sure, Clementine wasn’t going to be here to lean on but she’d been right—he had to do this for himself. And rebuilding his dreams, or resetting them anyway, far out of the public eye in a pretty little town appealed to him greatly. “If you’ve got any Realtor recommendations or know of any rentals that are going, I’d be grateful.”
She grimaced. “The rental market is pretty tight here at the moment.”
“Hmm. Okay… well, I’ll have a look around for some longer-term accommodation while I search for a rental.” It seemed decadent to live in a hotel for potentially months. He could easily afford it but it was hard to feel at home in a hotel room. “I noticed when I was booking the Graff online there’s a good B and B in town.”
“Yeah, Bramble House. It’s usually solidly booked though.”
Her teeth dug into her bottom lip as if she was mulling something over and different parts of him warmed.
“Look… why don’t you stay at my place while I’m overseas? The house is sitting empty and if you’re sticking around then…”
Jude blinked at the very generous offer as her voice trailed off. “That would be… great. If you’re sure?”
She flapped his hesitancy away with her hands. “I’m sure. It makes sense. My mom was going to collect the mail and water the plants for me while I was away so you can do that instead.”
“It won’t cause any speculation for you? Around Marietta?”
“More than you turning up out of the blue after eighteen years and asking me to marry you in front of half the town?”
He winced. “Yeah… have I mentioned how sorry I am about that?”
She sighed. “It’s fine. And, yes, it might cause some gossip but it’s not like I’m going to be in residence as well. And it’s only until you find somewhere more permanent, which you should be able to manage in the couple of months I’m away.”
“That would be such an enormous help, thank you. And I’ll pay you rent.”
Two arched eyebrows beetled together. “No.” Clementine shook her head, her curls shifting around her head. “Absolutely not.”
Jude almost laughed at the distaste in her voice. “I am good for it you know.”
Her lips also betrayed her level of distaste, curling a little. “I don’t charge friends rent to stay a few nights at my house.”
It was heartening to know she still regarded him as a friend. She’d said so last night but he had put her on the spot. He wouldn’t have blamed her for changing her mind the morning after. “It’ll probably be more than a few nights.”
She flicked that objection away too with another hand flap as if it was a buzzy little insect. “It’s the same principle. And besides, you’d be doing me a favor. It’s better security wise to have someone living in the house. We don’t get much crime around here but unoccupied homes are always targets.”
He smiled. “I will guard it with my life.”
Nodding, she said, “Okay, I’ve gotta get back to work. I’m leaving first thing in the morning for New York. I’ll call into the Graff on my way out and drop my housekeys at the concierge desk and you can move in tomorrow. Spare bed is at the end of the hallway.”
“Cool.” Jude nodded casually. She clearly didn’t want him moving in while she was still there or sleeping in her bed. Which was fine. He was just grateful to have a home base for the next little while.
“And thanks. Again.” She slipped her hand onto his forearm. “About Tamsin.”
Jude’s skin glowed where she touched. “Of course.” He dismissed her thanks as she had dismissed his earlier.