Page 39 of Jina

Cole didn’t say anything for a long moment. He’d keyed in the Wildflower Motel and was heading west on the interstate per her suggestion. Then he finally asked, “You’re going to talk to Rhy Finnegan about the plan first, right?”

“I guess I’ll have to.” She wasn’t thrilled with the directive, but she wasn’t going to risk her job either. “But not until we have a solid plan.”

He sighed. “Fine. I’ll help you with this if you do me a favor.”

She tensed. “Like what?”

“I still need your help to find out who killed Bradley Crow.”

She turned to look at him. “I thought you couldn’t tell me about your interview with his parents.”

He grimaced and nodded. “That’s true. Doesn’t mean I can’t ask you a couple of questions, though.”

“I’ll do my best to answer them.” She had hoped the interview with Brad’s parents would somehow clear her, but obviously, it hadn’t.

“I know.” He eyed the rearview mirror frequently, clearly looking for a tail. “Do you recognize the names Wade Adams or Ian Muller?”

She rolled the names around in her mind. “I think Wade Adams was a few years ahead of me in high school. But the name Ian Muller doesn’t sound at all familiar.”

“Why do you remember Wade Adams and not Bradley Crow?” There was a hint of suspicion in his tone.

“Wade got into a fight one Friday night at a football game. The other guy, Tom Lightfoot, actually started it, thought Wade was ogling his girlfriend or something. A couple of the parents broke it up, but the police came and took them both away.”

He nodded thoughtfully. “I’ll double-check his arrest record, see if he’s been involved with anything else, like drugs or burglary.”

“You think Brad Crow knew Wade Adams?” She wondered if Brad Crow was also at that Friday night football game. If so, she hadn’t noticed him. “That’s interesting, but I’m not sure how it helps.”

“Adams is someone to talk to, that’s all,” Cole said. Then he abruptly switched lanes and got off the interstate. The move was so fast she glanced over her shoulder, expecting to see the black Honda back there.

“We picked up a tail?”

“What? Oh, no.” He flushed, then added, “I just remembered I needed to make a stop.”

“A stop in Peabody?” She frowned. “We’re heading back to your place?”

“No, a restaurant/bar.” He hesitated for a long moment. “I shouldn’t bring you with me, but I need to talk to Ian Muller, and he owns Peabody’s Pub.”

She had heard of the place but had never been there. Her parents only went out for special occasions, like their wedding anniversary, which was why they weren’t home the night her stalker had sneaked into her room. “I heard they do a great fish fry.”

“Too bad it’s not Friday.” He smiled. “This shouldn’t take long.”

“Fine with me.” She was secretly glad to tag along for this interview. There had to be a way to prove she hadn’t killed Crow. Shot at him, yes. Murdered him, no. “Did Ian Muller know Brad Crow?”


“And that makes him a suspect?” She wasn’t sure why she was pushing for more information other than Cole had already crossed the line by spending time with her. Sure, he could argue that she was in danger, but she had her teammates to use as backup, so his presence really wasn’t needed.

Yet she was glad he intended to stay close. Not just because she appreciated his support, but more so because the zing of their kiss was still too fresh in her mind.

“That makes him a person of interest,” Cole said. When he glanced at her, she understood.

Ian Muller was a person of interest exactly the way she was. Guilty until proven innocent.

Cole was breaking more rules than he could count. But that didn’t change his determination not to let Jina go off on her own without him. Look at what happened at the American Lodge? Still, he understood her tagging along could jeopardize his case.

If he managed to find Crow’s killer.

Jina wasn’t a detective, but having her input as a fellow officer was valuable. At least, that was what he told himself.