“How can you be so sure?”
“Because you told Jaxon not to do it and then waited for him to raise his weapon before taking the shot.” He shook his head ruefully. “Trust me, most cops would have fired sooner. I probably would have if you hadn’t taken my weapon. It was so obvious he wouldn’t stop until he’d killed you.”
She was surprised but secretly glad. The knot of tension faded. “Say it again.”
“I believe you. I know you didn’t kill?—”
“Not that. The first part.” She placed her hand in the center of his chest, shocked to feel the strong thumping beat of his heart. “The most important part.”
“I love you. I know it’s too fast, and you’ve made it clear you don’t like to date, but I love you.” He searched her gaze. “From the very beginning, I risked my career for you, Jina. And I’ll keep doing that because you’re the only thing that matters.”
“Who said I don’t like dating?” She couldn’t help but smile. “I love you too, Cole. And I’ve never said that to another man in my entire life.”
“You humble me,” he whispered, drawing her into his arms. “I never thought I’d feel this way again. I guess God had other plans for me.”
“I’m very grateful God brought us together.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down for a long kiss.
Losing herself in his embrace was far too easy. Scary that she’d never felt this way before, while Cole had married his first love.
“Don’t do that,” he whispered. “I can tell you’re allowing self-doubt to creep in, but there’s no need. I love you very much.”
“You seem to know me pretty well considering we’ve only met what, two days ago?” She pulled back to look up into his dark-brown eyes.
“Two days can be a lifetime when dodging bullets,” he said with a smile. “Besides, it’s not as if I didn’t notice you at the gym. I also asked Mike about you.”
She shook her head, smiling back. “I noticed you too. But I didn’t ask Mike about you. In fact, I was convinced you were married, so I purposefully stayed away.”
“I was married, but that was a long time ago.” His expression sobered. “You’ve had a lot of bad experiences with men, Jina. I don’t want to rush you into anything. We’ll take things slow and easy.”
“I’d like that.” She was touched by his willingness to meet her more than halfway. “Maybe I could ask you out on a date. Like dinner tonight? I’m starved.”
He threw his head back and laughed.
“What’s so funny?” She frowned. “I thought you wanted to go out on a date!”
“I do, and I’d be honored to accept your offer of a date. Dinner sounds perfect. Anyplace you’d like to go works for me.” He continued to chuckle, then kissed her again. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” She still wasn’t sure why he’d found her comment so funny, but before she could say anything, a car pulled up next to them.
“Jina, it’s time to stop kissing Cole,” Cassidy said from the passenger seat. Zeke snickered at the comment. “Rhy mentioned you need a place to stay. My guest room is yours for as long as you need it.”
“Oh, ah, thanks.” She flushed and glanced at Cole who nodded. “I’ll be in touch. We, um, have dinner plans.”
Instead of looking disappointed, Cassidy did a quick fist pump. “Yes! I knew it. I knew you’d fall for the right guy.”
“That makes one of us,” she muttered. If anyone had told her she’d be going on a real dinner date with Cole Roberts, she’d have laughed in their face.
“Give me your address and I’ll bring her by later, okay?” Cole said.
Cassidy rattled it off. Zeke waved, then pulled away.
Leaving her and Cole alone once again.
“Where would you like to go?” Cole opened the car door for her. She tossed her overnight bag in, realizing she had no idea. Her idea of meals was eating at Rosie’s Diner or fast food.
“Um.” She racked her brain for a nice restaurant.
Cole chuckled, then brushed a kiss on her mouth. “I know the perfect place. You like Italian, right?”