Page 47 of Jina

That made him laugh. “Of course, you like football.”

She arched a brow. “Why not? My parents were big fans. It was one of the few things that helped me bond with my dad.”

“Does Shelly like football too?”

“No, she’s a girly girl. Shelly likes to cook and bake. I can’t do either without burning the house down.” Her smile faded. “I feel bad for Mr. Glen. Once this is over, I need to find out what I can do to help rebuild his duplex.”

“You’re a softie,” he said with a grin.

“Yeah, well, don’t tell anyone. I have a hard-core image to protect.”

“Dully noted.” He nodded toward the half-empty parking lot of the restaurant. “Looks like we won’t have trouble getting a table.”

“Good. I’m hungry.” She frowned. “Although I don’t know why, I didn’t run my five miles this morning as usual.”

“You make me feel like a sloth,” he complained, opening the door for her.

They chose a booth in the back, and their server started them off with coffee. Jina held out her hand. “I need to borrow your phone to call Cassidy, Zeke, and Flynn.”

He gave her the device and perused the menu. They didn’t offer a full Irish like Rosie’s Diner, but there were some options that should provide enough protein to get him through the day.

Sipping his coffee, he listened as Jina called her teammates, quickly explaining her need for a spare vehicle and her plan of setting herself up to draw in the shooter. Each time, she promised to call Rhy.

“Okay, they’re all meeting us here for now.” She slid the phone across the table.

He nodded at the phone. “Shouldn’t you call Rhy?”

“After I have a plan, yes.” She sat back as their server returned to take their orders. When that was finished, Jina leaned forward. “I know my boss well enough to know that he’ll need time to inspect the plan for flaws.”

“Okay.” He could see her point and was glad Rhy would have to approve whatever scheme she and the others came up with. “How long before the rest get here?”

She shrugged. “Depends on traffic. They’ll likely want to grab something to eat too.”

“No problem.” Their server to refill their cups. “We’ll move to a bigger table.”

Ten minutes later, their meals arrived. Jina clasped her hands in her lap, obviously waiting for him to say grace.

“Lord Jesus, we thank You for this food and for keeping us safe in Your care. Please continue to watch over us and to give us strength. Amen.”

“Amen.” She smiled. “I used to get annoyed when some of the guys said grace, but now that I’ve been targeted by this perp, I can see why some people lean on prayer.”

“God is always there for you, Jina.” He tried to keep his tone light. “Trust me.”

“I do trust you.” She looked thoughtful, then dug into her breakfast with gusto.

They were just finishing when his phone rang. Despite not recognizing the number, he answered. “This is Cole Roberts.”

“It’s Cassidy. I picked up a tail and may have compromised your location.” She sounded calm despite the situation. “I’m driving past the restaurant, but I suggest you get Jina out of there.”

How had Cassidy been followed? They’d left the tracker on his SUV! He tossed money onto the table and stood. “We need to go.”

To her credit, Jina didn’t argue. Rather than heading out the front, he boldly strode through the kitchen, ignoring the employees demanding they get out.

Maybe Jina’s plan was the right move. Being forced to go on the run was getting old.

He wanted to nab this guy as much as she did.