Lucky for us we had the jobs we did, or we'd get our rush by doing things which were more illegal than the things we already did.
"You can bet your cute little ass it is," I said. I cupped her ass cheeks and squeezed, while pulling her closer still. "I can't wait to have the taste of you on my tongue."
I pressed my quickly growing erection against her leg. I wanted to push her up against the SUV and fuck her, here and now.
I kissed her mouth, thrusting my tongue between her lips as though it was my cock pounding into her pussy. Her mouth was warm, her plush lips tasting faintly of coffee and something sweet that was uniquely Mina.
"Get a room," Enzo called out.
My hands still on Mina's ass, I flipped him off with two fingers. "You can talk. We've all seen your cock, remember?" The guy had absolutely no shame. Not unlike me. Life was too short to care about shit like that.
"Only because you broke in for a look." Enzo grinned.
Damon shook his head at all of us and raised the seats in the third row of the SUV. He gestured for Enzo and Angelina to sit back there. "Don't fuck in the back of my SUV."
"That hadn't occurred to me until you suggested it." Enzo grabbed Angelina's hand and pulled her into the back of the vehicle.
"We'll make a stop at the Vipers’ headquarters to leave you there if you do," Reuben said.
That was both a threat, and a promise. I suspected he wouldn't lose much sleep over it.
On the other hand, Mina was right. Damon's brother was family and we took care of each other. Reuben would tolerate Damon's brother, even if he, and Angelina, pushed him too far.
"Don't you fucking dare," Angelina hissed.
Apparently Reuben didn’t intimidate her. Or maybe she knew Mina would never let him do that. Women's intuition and all that.
"Have some respect for the boss," Damon told her. "What happens to you now is up to him."
She gave him a look that suggested she didn't agree, but she flopped back against the seat and fell silent.
I followed Mina into the car, where she settled between me and Bianca.
Bianca looked weary and more than a little pissed off.
"I thought I raised Carlos better than that. He really would have shot me." She rubbed her temple where he'd had the barrel of the gun pressed.
I got the impression she might shoot him the next chance she got. That was her prerogative. If Vipers wanted to kill Vipers, that was up to them. As long as they left us out of it.
"I wouldn't have let that happen to you." Angelina leaned forward over the seat in front of her, and kissed her mother's cheek. "Even if I had to marry Salvador. But now, thanks to Mina, I can marry Enzo."
Bianca groaned. "Can't you find yourself a nice boy?"
"I'm nice," Enzo said. "You just need to get to know me."
She looked as though that was the last thing on Earth she wanted. He was better than Salvador, whoever he was, but apparently not by much.
I had a sneaking suspicion she’d have to get used to him. He wasn't going anywhere if Angelina had anything to say about it.
I caught Mina's eye and grinned. The three of them made our lives look easy and peaceful. For a while, they'd taken my mind off Kurt Lasalle. Now, I wondered if he had a hand in all of this somehow. Like he'd set this up to distract us. I wasn't sure how, but if he had, it worked.
"You think Kurt paid Martina to do all of this, don't you?" Mina asked softly. "The fact she was pissed off with Enzo was an added bonus."
"The thought crossed my mind," I admitted. "If I had to bet, I'd say if we went back to her house, she'd be long gone by now."
"Without doubt," she agreed. She looked tired too. But something else. Satisfaction at keeping Angelina away from her brother and a life she didn't want. She seemed to have made it her mission to save women from a dark fate, even if she had to do it one woman at a time.
"I'll send the twins to check anyway," Damon said. "She might have left some sign behind."