"True story," Parker said. "But thanks to you telling us how to get into your laptop, we're that much closer to pinning down Kurt."
Leon glanced at him, visibly worried we got into the heavily encrypted information he'd tried to hide.
Every single person sitting at this long dining table had perfected the art of the poker face a long time ago.
Parker had closed those files and assured us Leon would never know we were in there.
All we'd told Leon was that he was actually helpful, and we'd decided we got all we could from him, and couldn't be bothered to kill him.
We also all knew he wasn't that stupid. Of course we wouldn't just let him go and that was that. Leading us to Kurt was a faint hope at best. But with the tracking chip embedded in his leg, we could take him back anytime we wanted to. He'd get that one way trip off the cliff, soon enough.
"Yes, I'm finished," Leon said finally. "Let's go."
If I didn't know better, I'd think he was worried we'd change our minds. Okay, I'd be worried about that too, if I was him. People like us didn't show mercy. He knew we were up to something, if not what. He'd go to ground the second he could. And we'd be watching every move.
The twins leapt to their feet and Hunter hurried to grab the keys to the SUV.
"Drive safely," I called out behind them. "And Leon." I waited until he turned back to say, "Be good."
He looked as though he wanted to sneer, but instead he nodded and hurried after the twins.
"Is anyone counting down?" I asked.
"I am." Damon had his phone in his hand and was watching the app that tracked the SUV. "It won't be long."
Enzo and Angelina glanced at each other.
"Is there anything we can do?" Angelina asked. "I mean, you helped us, so it's only fair."
Enzo looked at her funny. "What the hell? We need to get the fuck out of here."
"You're not going anywhere," Damon said without looking up.
Enzo glared at him. "You can't?—"
"Yes, we can," Reuben said. "You can help by staying here. We'll need you. And anyone else we can get."
"What are you expecting?" Enzo asked.
"It's time," Damon said without answering his question. He rose to his feet "Enzo, Angie, stay here and listen to Caleb's orders. He should be down soon." He nodded towards the stairs. "If all goes well, we won't be long."
"What the fuck?" Enzo insisted.
Angelina actually looked excited. "You have enough weapons for us?"
"We have plenty." I placed my hands on the table, to either side of my empty bowl and pushed myself up before moving to stay beside Mina. "Are you sure you won't stay here, boss?"
"We've got this," Damon said, his worried gaze on Reuben.
"I'm coming," Reuben said simply, and that was that.
"Are you sure you don't need—" Enzo started.
"We've got this," Damon said again before unlocking and opening the door to the garage.
"If we don't come back in an hour, send help. And don't open the door to any strangers," I said.
"We won't," Caleb said as he hurried down the stairs. "Go." He actually looked concerned. Whether it was for his own safety, or for Reuben and the twins’, I didn't know.