One day, someone might mention that basement and I wouldn't shudder, but it wasn't tonight.
"And?" I prompted.
"And people believed it," Parker said. "Mostly, they're speculating on who it was. We also circulated the information that someone knows who the Sparrow is, and that the information was for sale."
"We might have also slipped in a rumour that the Sparrow kept a woman in their basement," Hunter said. "Sooner or later, people are going to start comparing notes and coming to conclusions. It won't be long before they realise that one and one equal three. Then, the shit will hit the proverbial fan."
"Good work," Reuben said. "Keep spreading those rumours. The sooner we can push this to a conclusion, the better. Any further information and the whereabouts of Kurt Lasalle?"
The moment the words passed his lips, my phone vibrated in my pocket.
I had the ringer turned off, because no one had any reason to call me. The number was new and the only people who had it were in this room.
That is, the only people who should have it were in this room.
"Let me guess, telemarketer?" Gianni asked.
I pulled out my phone. As expected, the screen said 'unknown number.'
I knew exactly who it was before I pressed on the screen to accept the call. I put the call on speakerphone and held the device on my palm.
We all waited in silence for the caller to speak.
"What fucking game are you playing, Mina?" Kurt's voice echoed through the kitchen. "You think people are going to believe I'm the Sparrow? Yes, I heard the rumour your little twin friends are trying to spread. "
"We're not little," Parker whispered.
"People will believe what they want to believe," I said coolly. "Although, most people who've met you don't need an excuse to want you dead. You seem to have that effect on people. Probably because you're a slimy prick."
He laughed. "Is that supposed to hurt my feelings, bitch? You need to work on your insults."
"It wasn't an insult, it was an observation," I said.
"An accurate one," Damon said.
"Sounds like the whole crew is there," Kurt said. "Hi guys. Long time no see. Don't worry, I'm working on rectifying that as soon as possible. Did you have fun on the side quest I sent you on? You knew that was me behind that, right? Martina was paid well to give you that false lead. Don't bother trying to find her, she's long gone. In the meantime, I put some plans into place. It's only a matter of time before you're back where you belong. On your back, under me."
Reuben, Damon and Gianni all growled softly.
The twins looked murderous.
I swallowed to keep from throwing up my last meal and said, "You're cocky for someone who won't be alive much longer."
He laughed again. "Threats? That's fucking adorable. You can't even find me. I could be right under your nose and you wouldn't have a clue. By the way, nice aim on that knife you threw at Carlos. I could tell you were aiming for his gun, not for him. Bravo." He clapped slowly.
My blood went cold. Kurt was watching? Of course he was. The question was, where was he watching from? Another house, or a camera? Would he have dared to get close enough to watch in person?
"You should have come out and said hello," Gianni said. "But you wouldn't, would you? You're too much of a fucking coward. I'm looking forward to seeing how tiny your cock is, right before I slice it off." He made a slicing gesture with his hand.
"More threats?" Kurt sneered. "I had no idea how pathetic you all were. Disappointing, really. Still, it'll be easier to replace the Brantleys when people realise how much more competent I am."
"You said 'fucked up in the head' wrong," Gianni said.
Kurt snorted. "Please, you're embarrassing yourself now."
"Did you actually want something?" Reuben asked. "It seems to me all you're doing is wasting our time. Making idle threats and pretending you have power and contacts you clearly lack. No one in this room is fooled by your bullshit."
"Reuben Brantley himself," Kurt said derisively. "Does Mina moan when you fuck her? She has the best moans. She has spread her legs for you, hasn't she? I'm sure she has, she loves nothing more than being fucked. Especially when she's restrained. I recommend chains, but rope would do too."