Page 35 of Bone Dust

The hard asphalt beneath the tires graduates to rough gravel adding a crunchy sound to the already eerie atmosphere.

“We’re here,” he announces.

As I bring the car to a stop another light comes on combining with my headlights. It’s as if we’ve stepped into another world. “Wow.” My eyes widen and my mouth falls open with amazement. Like Dorothy’s travel from the dull monotony of Kansas to the technicolor Oz, multi-hued gardens showcase the area surrounding a charming and rustic stone and log cabin. I lift my gaze from the colorful gardens to take in the wrap-around porch, and just as I spy an enticing porch swing, the light disappears.

“Did you landscape all of this?” I ask, breathless with wonder.

“I did.” His voice is confident and full of pride.

“It’s magnificent.”

“Thank you.” His tone drops to a humbler one, though pride still shines in his eyes. Moonlight, like a gentle hand, caresses his face with soft illumination. A glimmer of self-assurance reflects in his expression, and I’m humbled to witness its sweetness.

Ian reaches for the door handle and then turns to me. “Thanks again for the ride.”

I stop him by placing my hand on his arm. “Before you go, can I ask you a question?”

He nods, granting me permission to do so.

“What kept you from going back to your old life?”


“I don’t understand,” I’m genuinely curious, but still am slightly confused.

“And that’s okay. I don’t understand it all myself, so I don’t expect you to. I’m still learning to love myself, this life, and the things I like to do that make me happy. I may not be where I want to be, yet, but I’m not where I used to be.” His head turns left and right as he takes in the breathtaking moonscape scene shadowing the property. “Four years ago …” He pauses, damming threatening emotions, and clears his throat before continuing. “Let’s just say I traded that life for this one and I’m finally finding myself.”

It's a moment of growth and vulnerability that I’m humbled to witness. I sit, in awe, watching as this tough-as-nails, macho, heavy metal-loving, former rock star’s eyes shimmer.




shouldn’t have pried.” Regret seeps into her voice, illuminating the silver flecks that bring light to her sapphire eyes. Suddenly, I fall under a spell.

My body floods with desire, drowning me in a sea of euphoria. It’s been nearly four years since drugs or alcohol have entered my system but, this feeling, rocks me. I’m unsteady. There’s something unspoken in her eyes, a tenderness that wasn’t there before that’s new and unfamiliar. I drift forward, overwhelmed by an invisible force and a dangerous, consuming urge to kiss her.


We snap back, our lips doomed not to meet, as a small, sleepy voice breaks the enchantment.

“Hi E-ban.” Gigi’s voice is quiet and groggy as she rubs her eyes with her fists. When she puts her hands down, her eyes go wide while her body springs to life. She points out the windshield. “What’s dat?”

I’ve not seen such a curious expression. Her dark, thick lashes nearly kiss her brows as her eyes widen further. I follow her line of sight, a smile blooming inside of me.

“Savannah,” I murmur, my voice low and excited. “Turn off your headlights and watch Gigi’s reaction.”

Slightly confused, she does as I instruct, twisting the toggle switch as she steals a glance in the rear-view mirror.


In unison, Mother and Daughter breathlessly voice the word as the sky surrounding us combusts. Unhindered by light pollution, the dark canvas ignites with a kaleidoscope of stars. They mimic the beauty of diamonds resting on a bed of black velvet, sparkling, and twinkling as they dance against the dark expanse. Constellations come into view with each star having its own unique glow. Savannah’s gaze hops back and forth between the wondrous gaze before her and the one behind. My smile widens at the sight as I’m taken back to my first night in Rock Hills. Rediscovering that same sense of awe with the two of them is a new kind of happiness for me, one I never knew existed.

“This is amazing!” Savannah breathes out, fixing her eyes on the sky above.

“I think so. My first night here I had the same reaction as you. I snatched a blanket off the bed and slept outside. The cool breeze and the starry sky completely mesmerized me. After a life of confinement in my bedroom, and then tour buses, hotel rooms, and hospitals, I craved fresh air more than anything. That night was the first time I truly felt I could breathe. It’s still hard for me to believe this place is mine.”