Page 29 of Bone Dust

I tell myself I’m not his rescuer. I’m not. I’m not his resc— “I can drive you home.”

My words take flight despite my intentions. He gives me a tentative look.

“I can’t let you do that,” he says with a hint of hesitation. “Besides, I’m kinda dirty.” He looks down at his jeans.

I brush off the concern with a sigh. “It's only a ride, and I have something you can sit on. You’d do the same if the situation was reversed, I’m sure.”

“Maybe.” A coy smile appears and awakens a playful twinkle in his eyes. “You sure about offering me a ride, Savannah?”

His sexy smile reawakens old feelings. It’s been a long time since I thought someone sexy, and his scampish look nudges my dormant libido. I press my lips together and bite the inside of my cheek, the pinch a reminder to stay focused.

As the engine comes to life, I drift from the parking lot to the road. “I have to pick up Gigi first, but then I can take you home.

“I’ll pay for gas.”

His offer catches me off guard and I shake my head. “That’s not necessary.”

“Stop, Savannah. You’re doing me a favor. The least I can do is pay for it.” His tone incites an internal shiver.

“We’re good, Ian. Unless you live on the outskirts of Melody Lake or Harmony, we're good. I’ve got a full tank.” The ring of my cell phone interrupts our conversation and I answer it through the car’s speakers. “Hello?”

“Where is you, Momma?”

I’m on my way, sweetie. I’ll be there soon.”

“Okay. Love you, Momma. Bye.” Gigi’s voice echoes through the car before she hangs up.

Ian turns to me with a smile on his face. “Someone misses you. She’s pretty clever to know how to call you.”

“It’s easy for her. All she has to do is push a button. Her babysitter has me on speed dial. Gigi knows how to press the number one but doesn’t understand the concept of time yet. She likes to keep tabs on me.”

“I think it’s sweet. She’s a good kid.”

I chuckle as I steal a glance at him. “I’m surprised to hear you say that, considering you were a victim of her temper.”

“It’s no big deal and it’s done and over with. My shirt washed out just fine.” He pauses. “So, back to what we were talking about—me compensating you for giving me a ride.”

I shift my eyes and shoot him a disapproving look before turning my eyes back to the road.

“I mean it, Savannah. I want to give you some money.”

“Nope—and I don’t want to hear any more about it.”

"In that case, I'll wash your car for you." He takes a deep breath and sniffs the air. "And detail it. What is that disgusting smell?"

A laugh escapes me. “That’s the smell of spilled milk that’s soured. It’ll never come out.” I sneak a peek at him. Confusion wrinkles his brow. “I drive with the windows down a lot.”

"What about?—"

I hold up my hand, effectively cutting him off. “Stop, Ian. It’s just a freakin’ ride. Can’t you just accept a simple act of kindness?” Exasperation is evident in my tone.


No? I snap my head toward him and see he’s serious.

“I’m not good at that; accepting favors. I prefer to pay my way. Maybe it’s kindness. Maybe it’s pride. I haven’t figured that out yet.”

His humble reply catches me off guard and the sound weighs heavy on my heart. I shake my head in disbelief.